GAYmer with a Petition

angellis Posts: 10 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
If you want to see change, or show your support to your fellow GAYmers then please sign my petition.
Post edited by angellis on


  • xanados
    xanados Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wtf.... *scratches head*
    Syndacus L. 31 Stoneman Protector - 1250 Patk
    Dingleberry L. 14 Marksman
  • laethaka_1241221170
    laethaka_1241221170 Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2008
  • loughman
    loughman Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Change for what? Its not like mmorpgs ask for you sexual oriantation, so how could being **** affect your gaming?
  • angellis
    angellis Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    loughman wrote: »
    Change for what? Its not like mmorpgs ask for you sexual oriantation, so how could being **** affect your gaming?

    What is affected? It is written in the petition.

    Sexual orientation needn't be asked. For instance, orientation in the offline game Fable was gauged by the characters interactions.

    Really all I am asking is for equal fluff...If I chose to carry a male as a male I do not see why I should be denied...even though some of the smaller minded might think it looks ridiculous because EVERYTHING looks ridiculous to a person when it is outside of their comfort level.

    But I'm not going to preach homophobia here.

    What I ask for is simple.
  • esc0rz
    esc0rz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Funny thing you make this thread. My brother and I were having a conversation about **** marriage in video games (i'm not sure why anyone would want to marry in a game to begin with, but to each their own). Point is that I think a lot of kids play this game and I'm pretty sure the parents wouldn't be too happy if they saw a big, beefy Werebeast carrying around another big, beefy beast. I'm sure the devs wouldn't mind it much, but remember that some people do find homosexuals to be heathens and the like.

    Don't think devs are discriminating, just think of it as playing it safe with the parents and/or others who don't understand your orientation. I wouldn't want to be in the company's place when they recieve 100 angry emails demanding why their son/daughter is getting married with someone of the same sex.

    Just my 2 pent.
  • xanados
    xanados Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    If a real life dude plays a girl character and he teams up with a average male character, does that make him **** in real life? No. It's just a game, some people take it out of context and get offended if there isn't same sex marriages.
    Syndacus L. 31 Stoneman Protector - 1250 Patk
    Dingleberry L. 14 Marksman
  • bayport
    bayport Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    *pulls out arnold schwraznegger voice*



    Bayport - Archer
    Server - PvP East
  • coros
    coros Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lol, stop rubbing this in everyones faces. There isn't even emotes for opposite sex partners, why should there be ones for same sex? Bawwwww we can't marry guys in a fictional enviroment. And before you call this **** bashing I enjoy the company of both. But unlike people like you I don't go around shoving it in peoples faces. Big deal you like men who gives a ****. You play games to get away from the political annoying ****.

    3x WB Heaven's Tear
  • jesmona
    jesmona Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    And what about the lesbians in the community it's just not about guys marrying guys ...

    FYI I am a straight female ^_^
  • theola
    theola Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    When I first saw the title thread, I rolled my eyes, since I assumed it was someone making fun of ****, as is usually the case. I signed it, even though I doubt anything will change. I don't think our version of Perfect World will get any special treatment over the other versions, and I'm willing to bet the original Chinese developers are even less likely to implement this idea.

    I think this is a fantastic idea. While being bigoted in the real world may be mostly looked down upon, the anonymity of the internet can bring out people's true colors. I believe there is a lot of hatred and ignorance online, and it needs to stop. A lot of the people on these forums seem to be unable to stand the sight of "carebears"; I'd hate to know what they think of ****/lesbians.

    How is he rubbing it in everyone's face? He's not forcing you to marry another dude. I guess all the good **** just sit in a corner then and just pretend they don't exist when you're around.

    I understand some people play games to escape from real life, and with single player games that's not a problem, but when you play multiplayer games, you can't escape the people you're playing with; they're real people too.

    Like I said, good luck with your petition, but I don't think anything will change. Your best option will probably be for one person in the couple to make a female character.
  • roxy
    roxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hmm, good luck with your petition, but I highly doubt they're going to make the changes.

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world
  • evilgeek
    evilgeek Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I find this whole notion of **** people rubbing straight peoples noses in it by simply mentioning sexuality rather disturbing, think about it the other way round, how often do **** have to put with straight people rubbing their noses in it? A damn sight more I would say.

    I say go for it - I see no reason why same sex marriages shouldnt take place in the game, they implemented the marriage option and in the western world people are alot more liberal about these things (well maybe except gamers... :D ), heck most countries even allow **** marriages or civil partnerships between the same sex, it makes perfect sense to me, even The Sims can do it and we don't see tonnes of backlash over that now do we?
  • saosinner
    saosinner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey power to you for making a petition. I dont fly that way, but, doesn't mean others don't!
  • kyleh
    kyleh Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i want to pk you right now.
  • angellis
    angellis Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Thanks for the support....and hey even the criticisms, thank you. They both equally offer me an idea of the tones of this community.

    To Anonymous who signed the petition:No I'm not trying to rub anything in anyones face. I am only asking for somethign that is already offered to the straight couples. Nothing more, nothing less. EDIT- Also, how is this giving **** a bad name? As stated earlier, are we expected to sit in a corner pretending we don't exist to accommodate your sensitivity about you being concerned about who and how I love?

    To esc0rz: Thank you for your post. Here's some food for thought: Why would the parents be worried about seeing same sex couples in a game that depicts acts of violence, that's possibly addictive (we all know the dangers of online gaming addiction), and predators that will gladly hold their 12 year old daughters/sons avatar in a suggestive matter? This issue should not fall into such a serious issue of parent awareness since being **** is not a threat to anyone.

    Really, it's not a HUGE deal if they do not implement would be nice though. I am not asking this so I have the option to marry in game. I have gamed with my real life boyfriend for years now and we never married in game. I would just like for the option to be there. I do however want the option to hold my same sex partner.
  • auron1420
    auron1420 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I didn't know this was a big issue... Do whatever you like. It should be allowed, although that doesn't make it right! Sorry!!
  • merulz
    merulz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kyleh wrote: »
    i want to pk you right now.

    Who doesn't?

    Perfect World IRC:
    Channel: #pwint
  • alazar
    alazar Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I would not care if it happened ether way. As long as its not next to me. But I doubt it will happen, This game comes from China, and it reflects on the culture there.

    PS- I really hope this game does not become filled with little online relationships of people who never met each other in real life but wanna marry in game. Sorry but I find this method of finding a partner sad. (Nothing against people who are real life partners) And if it becomes common in here I might as well stick to FFXI, This hole online relationship thing Its already past its peek and dying out over there.
  • magoo
    magoo Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I think if parents were offended by guys carrying around guys then they most likely wouldnt let thier kiddies play a game where you can run around as a lion man beast slaying winged elves who fire magical arrows.

    I dont really see the point. Public displays of affection while in a Virtual enviroment kinda defeats the purpose.

    To all his own i guess.

    edit// just saw your post angellis about the violence aspect. Agree 100% .
    I think its more about the minority factor rather than people finding it offensive
    (at least we would like to think so)
    Same goes for me, im a pacific islander but I never see games generated around our background because
    we are a minority in the world. (example more than a numbers comparison)
    :eek: :eek: :eek:
  • xanados
    xanados Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I don't see the violence factor in the game, it's just a slash followed by sparkly things. There's no blood in the game, and it's rated PG.

    Want violence go play AoC or Requiem.
    Syndacus L. 31 Stoneman Protector - 1250 Patk
    Dingleberry L. 14 Marksman
  • desirai
    desirai Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    coros wrote: »
    lol, stop rubbing this in everyones faces. There isn't even emotes for opposite sex partners, why should there be ones for same sex? Bawwwww we can't marry guys in a fictional enviroment. And before you call this **** bashing I enjoy the company of both. But unlike people like you I don't go around shoving it in peoples faces. Big deal you like men who gives a ****. You play games to get away from the political annoying ****.

    actually there are emotes between male and females. you can kiss and hug
  • ranthe
    ranthe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I signed it, though i don't really think anything will come of the idea, a good friend of mine is **** and has an in-game GF, so it's for her benefit as well.
  • seanie
    seanie Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Wont matter how much you people complain its something that's in the original that would take a lot, of hours and work to make it different its not just a simple process. Like changing armor color and stuff like that is fairly easy.

    1) Shut down servers to test it for a week or so.

    2) Make sure it works and is not bugged and have it then tested by players, before adding it. Which would be another shut down if its not working right.

    3) It requires time and money to add something new into a game that's already completed, and I'm sure none of you are going to pay the gms and devs the time they spend adding this feature and pay them for lost cash shop items as well, that players would have been buying during the down time.

    This idea was also put up in my-en as well theres many other reasons, mainly with kids playing and other such things. But I gave the reasons for Devs and GMs cause I used to work for CO online and this topic was brought up there as well. Not trying to burst your bubble but its way more money to change something in a game then you think.
  • angellis
    angellis Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    seanie wrote: »
    This idea was also put up in my-en as well theres many other reasons, mainly with kids playing and other such things....

    Again, I do not think this is a kids issue for reasons I have said above. Simply put it is a very weak excuse. I'm not thinking we should not consider the children. I am just saying that adding this would not be threatening to them....the actual threats in online gaming are far more severe and REAL.

    As for the money factor. I'm aware that every extra minute of time that is spent developing this game is money spent. Though it is something that I think that can be easily implemented. Even if it did not work to perfection it is not a feature that is a game breaker. It would be something that could be fixed over time like other non critical adjustments (models not lining up just right, collisions...whatever)...I cannot accept that this being added to the game is THEE budget breaker.
  • coros
    coros Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    theola wrote: »

    How is he rubbing it in everyone's face? He's not forcing you to marry another dude. I guess all the good **** just sit in a corner then and just pretend they don't exist when you're around.

    If you had bothered to read my entire post I said it wasn't a **** bashing post because I swing both ways. Sexual preference has nothing to do with gaming.

    3x WB Heaven's Tear
  • ambushmartyr
    ambushmartyr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Carrying another regardless of ****,straight,bi is NOT a sexual preference mechanic. You made the wrong petition as you had subjected everyone to your sexual preference just because you want the WHOLE world to know your a butt pirate, bravo now what?

    I get tired of these homos who feel the need to let the world know theyre closet cowboys. I dont run around telling everyone I have a goat fetish, so why do most of you flamers feel the need to push your fudge packing agenda on everyone?

    If anything I see more heterosexual bashing by **** more than the other way around. Chris crocker comes to mind. These type of flamos make it look bad for the good **** community who dont feel the need to force their sexual preference onto everyone they come in contact with, why, cause theres no reason to, its a PRIVATE matter for some of us!

    In short anyone who feels the need to tell the world about their sexual preference be it ****,straight,bi is a moron at best and a attention *****, have a nice day and play the game for what it is, cause in the end we clicked that little button to play the DEVELOPERS game, its not ours! Its a privilege not a right. Get over your **** self for crying out loud!
  • trippin
    trippin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well the way i see i dont care either way about someone sexual preferences but when you want them to add content like this just to appeal to a certain type of people really doesnt make sense. I mean its a video game yes we are able to carry around and show affection to the female gender but like stated above some where why would they shut down the servers and have a huge update just to add the capabilities to be able to do the same with a man to man or a women to women? I could see it maybe after the game is live and critical game fixes have been implemented but it makes really no sense why someone would want this added before they fix bugs or add new content.

    Honestly if you want to play a game like that from what i hear you should go to and search The Red Light District and you will find a game that might soot your preferences better.

    I just have to add when reading that petition you said "I am not being really serious to this petition" This is a cut out of a sentence and if you write this all i can think is if your not being really serious what is the point of even making the petition and then pushing the matter on everyone?
    Don't do what you can't undo, until you've considered what you can't do once you've done it.

    Level 90
  • callandor
    callandor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Ummm.. are you guys serious? Do you seriously need to have two men hugging in the game? Its a game!!! You play it to have fun..

    I agree with some of the people here.. i would like to PK you right now.. that is just an un needed thing in the game, the male + female one is pretty pointless too, if you need that in a game please go get a life and get a GF/BF IRL.

    Im ussaly not this.. well being a **** against petitions i think people speaking their mind is awsome... But seriously?.. in a fricken game...
  • magoo
    magoo Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    group hug.

    Now thats what they need ingame.
    So after your big clan war or w/e you can all have a hug and a picnic.

    i was just thinking maybe they dont add it because those that choose to display thier same sex affection ingame would be ridiculed (perhaps) alot more than they would IRL. Remember kids its alot easier to act tough from behind your pc screen (just like its easy for me to sound thoughtful and deep , muahahaha)

    :eek: :eek: :eek:
  • ambushmartyr
    ambushmartyr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    magoo wrote: »
    group hug.

    hey, Hey, HEY! That better not be what I think it is sticking me in the back!