endeavourish Arc User


  • Is it just me, or is this a rude comment? 1) This thread is NOT closed. 2) The question, up to this point, had not been adequately answered. NOW there is a good answer, both with where it was to be used AND how to get rid of the badge if you are beyond the point of using it. Thanks so much for your response ohanafamily.
  • Soul, The Traitor's Belongings were acquired when you or your squad killed the Tideborn Traitor. This was the last quest for the Lv. 40 Tideborn quests. To get the rewards for this part of the quest, you go back to the area where you killed the 5 monsters for the Dexterity portion of those quests. I forget the name of the…
  • Thats not what they asked. I believe you can sell the token at an NPC OR you can simply drop the token to get rid of it. __________________________________ I have looked online and fail to see the quest that requires this badge. It would be helpful if those that know would pass along this information.
  • Guys PLEASE read the thread before you post! The web site is DOWN. It doesn't matter what browser you use, what settings you have ... the site is DOWN. As stated before, UNLESS you receive an error OTHER THAN this: Service Unavailable... The page is currently unavailable please check back later. please do not post this…