u just said why its needed. no one reads it. thats why if it were written here also, people would know, because a lot of people use the forums
new servers im begging you!!!!!!
wow that would be so cool being level like 40 but having a pet in the like 80s. would make the game easy, but you would level faster with the super strong pet. its like in tales of symphonia 2 on the wii. i kept my pets and at the beggining of the game i had max level pets. now that was an easy runthrough of the game.
if your dyslexic, that would be a pretty hard to read dictionary wouldnt it be? and thanks for answering my question guys. and on a side note, i can think of some people who would stand there all day waiting for it to kill them with a bunch of hits doing 1 damage cough cough Plazmawolf on sanctuary cough cough
really its heavens tear? wow. i always thought it was lost city
yeah just use the find quest button. and remember: if you dont know where the cords are, cords assistant!!!
well and they get blood, which some of them may use at the legendary forges
so are the new servers coming out with the new patch notes on tuesday?
so where can i get it? or around where? noone said? is there really no place where i can go and depend on it being there?