driftuss Arc User


  • Thats awkward.... Either system **** or Everyone play our Ether Saga its going well. ?? This happened twice on L2 retail where we had to change our psw n stuff cause of potential threat. Or More game time for thir eso. What ya'll think??
  • Class -Cleric Skill - Physical attack buff Reason - I dont mind partying with venos and mages, but theres some times that i need a tank for bosses and maybe a phys increase buff would attract more melee's to party with clerics. Now i know about the melee physical buff so id make it that they dont stack, but i would make…
  • sorry gatssuru i missed your reply, thnx. I guess the client will stop me from trying to dual box. Thnx guys n gals. You have an Awesome community here btw. =D
  • Well i been an mmo player for about 3 yrs and in many that i have played i had 2 accounts on 1 computer and its been fine. There are some games that have strict security that will tell you, you cant run two clients. So my question now if i may rephrase is? Can two clients be running at the same time over another on same…