drboblolz Arc User


  • It's what i do ^^
  • Necro'd, this is a great idea, it's bugged me that my barbarian is almost completely identical to the person next to me. If i can have a blademaster with hot pink skin and get no reaction what so ever (i did that as a test) then i should be able to be whatever color wolf or tiger i want to be. Also, the lions look like men…
  • This is a kinda useless thread as each race has a warrior and a caster class (exception being the winged elves).
  • Yes i know i'm late on the bandwaggon , but i too want tails for the barbs. it has been something that has perplexed me since i started playing.
  • Most of your ideas, no (see people above me for details as they have explained them already). I do agree with better starter cloths though, nothing too opulent though, some basic pants and a shirt would work just fine.