draug Arc User


  • Hmmm figured this thread would have died by now, but I guess not. Rytania my ingame name is Draugluin. see the nickname.. draug. Thats what everyone calls me. I don't hide behind alts. As for being mad about people leaving without giving reasons.. are you serious? Are you actually that dense? We had been giving our…
    in Evolution Comment by draug June 2009
  • I find it interesting that Rytania would post this when he is one of the ones who was insulting people in Evo faction chat after they had left. Remember your "fond" words toward cowboyi Rytania? You certainly did shut up quick when you realized his brother-in-law was still in the guild.
    in Evolution Comment by draug June 2009
  • As an executor in the faction you are referring to I will shed a little truth on your thread. The person you spoke to in your screenshot is not, and never has been, a member of our faction. You should perhaps take the time in the future to make sure people you talk to are who they say they are. Also we do not bribe,…
  • Thank you for posting the info about the gold armors, but as I stated I had already looked at the stats for the gold 90 and the regular hh90. The question I have is given the bonuses of the two sets is there any advantage for a tank build barb to choose the gold hh90 armor over the regular hh90 armor? The regular hh90…
    in HH 90 armors Comment by draug March 2009