dranc Arc User


  • Set bonus: bm: 2: +1200 HP 3: 15% mag res 4: 8 atk lvl barb, seeker: 2: 1200 hp 3: 3% crit 4: 8 atk lvl archer: 1000 hp -0.10 8 atk sin: 900 hp -0.10 8 atk wiz 900 hp -3% 8 atk veno: 900 hp 15% phy redu 8 atk cleric 900 hp 5 def 8 atk psy 900 hp 1500 hmmm... 魂力, soulforce maybe? 8 atk mystic 900 hp 3% crit 8 atk
  • There are three steps in making the new rank 8 stuff: 锻造、衔环、魂印. I am not sure what is the difference between the second and third step, seems like they are both recasting. To make the new rank 8 weapons, you need the follow: your old rank 8 weapon 999 纪念币 (not sure where this comes from, probably guild base dungeon) 299…
  • The selling point for the new Rank 8 weapons is that you can customized it by recasting until you get the stats you want. I posted this earlier for the new Rank 8 bow, you can only have one stat from list 1, but you can have multiple stats from list 2, up to three. These you can only get once (list 1): attack level 10 - 25…
  • Don't know how many GST, just says "一定数量", or "a certain number of". But you do get to keep everything from the old rank 9. Some other good news: the rewards for the 100+ bounty hunter have been upgraded. New rewards include 55 mysterious chip, 55 mirages, socket stones are back, 2 1M-coins cards instead of one, and 1…
  • The basic attack for the new Rank 8 bow is: physical attack: 1249-2293 Then you can recast and get four of the following: (sorry, I don't know the names of some of these in English) These you can only get once (list 1): attack level 10 - 25 defense level 10 -25 critical attack 3% - 6% 十方八阵 requirement -25% 碎灵池 轰雷破 These…
  • Yes, the new guild base dungeon is not going to be a walk in the park. They allow 100 players in there for a reason. Oh, and you can only activate it three times per week. Rank 8 is easy to get here, new rank 8 won't be so easy.
  • Only differences between the new rank 9 and the old rank 9 weapons are a bump up in base attack and an extra 10 attack levels.
  • Old rank 8 heavy BP has: 1493 physical resistance, and 640 on magic. The new one has 2176 and 931 right off the bat. Plus you can get 4 blue stats vs 3 on the old ones, which you can recast over and over as long as you have the new drops from the guild base dungeons.
  • New drops are tradable, just like crystals from Nirvanna. The guild base dungeons are live on PW-CN. You can recast the new rank 8 as long as you have enough materials dropped in the new guild base dungeons. New rank 8 stuff are better than Nirvanna. Someone posted the maps of the new guild base dungeons in another post.…
  • As far as armor pieces go, you get a small bump up in physical and magic resistance. Using BP as an example, the new one has 933, 1451, vs. 769, 1195 on the old one. Each piece also gets an additional blue stat: writs: +10 dex legs: +250 magic resistance BP: 5% HP boots: 3% magic damage reduction belt: +300 magic…
  • The difference between the new and the old bow is: Physical Attack: 1282-2381 Attack Level +40 The rest are the same.
  • So basically you are saying that Cimon from Harshlands is an imbecile and should just go die.
  • Don't see many complaints here except from you. Maybe you should try harder to stay alive.
  • No special sale, no 2x, no nothing... How disappointing b:surrender
  • LOL, Elemental_w is on so many people's blacklist, he has to post so stupid stuff here to get attention. Go make more alts and talk to yourself on WC.
  • GD, you need a new mouthpiece. This Ducka guy is a complete, utter, total imbecile. He is a detriment to you guys.