douknowjello Arc User



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  • If PWI wants to protect people from accidently being kicked all they have to do is make it so the leader has to go into the faction base or something extra to really kick somebody immediately when necessary. They could still leave the 3 day option for leaders kicking inactives, etc. And just because an issue hasn't been…
  • I'm sorry you disagree but the truth is no matter how well you do a job screening, these people can still get into faction. Also I was an officer in a faction for 3 years and I've seen plenty of instances where things have happened that if the person couldn't have been kicked would have been detrimental to the faction. And…
  • But if they are needing removed from faction because they are already causing drama then leaders need the option to remove them without a 3 day wait. All it takes is one incident for factions to lose good people because one person can't be removed. And even if your people agree to blacklist, this person is still walking…
  • Another problem for me at least is there are 2 psychic books that only drop in seat. So I could CS till the cows come home and never see them. Anyone know if this is just psys or any other classes have books they can't get anywhere else?
  • Are you serious? I've been too pissed to play for a week now and did not go to tiger event but if I had that probably would have been the last straw. I told them a while back they need to make some changes to restore some balance with the new gear changes. So I'm all for them changing mobs and locations since 2 high geared…
  • It's very easy now to get 25 levels in 1 day without fcc. There's all kinds of stuff in the game now to help low lvls get a boost all the way to 40. And at that point there's the tideborn coming of age quest which is an easy 5 levels.
  • Thanks for posting this. I'm going to have to save it to a thumb drive for back up because I've had computers crash before. I will say this though, I've already had friends who had to use Arc and have had nothing but problems. If I'm ever in that situation where I am forced to use it I WILL quit PWI if I don't anyway. I'm…
  • I've seen plenty of games make mistakes with changes that negatively affect its content player base so I disagree that there is nothing wrong with change. And I see alot of people who haven't even checked out the new dungeons dismissing those of us who are upset with the changes as if our complaints are invalid. This is…
  • v4liance already made one thread for's stickied at the top
  • I haven't tried the new aba yet but I'm pretty unhappy with the SOT changes. While the concepts in the new dungeon are cool, it really is brand new dungeon with the old seat skin on it so we've lost something. People are never going to be happy with an expansion when you take stuff away, especially when I'm hearing even…
  • I don't know about other classes but I'm a psy and there's 2 books that only drop in seat or aba and I can't get them anywhere else. I wasn't even sure they existed until I finally saw one of them being sold in wc, but that was back before they messed with aba and seat the first time. When they changed the bh bosses…
  • I'm getting that same error code that other poster is getting in some other language now whenever I try to dual client. I can start up one just fine so its not the things you had listed. I was dual clienting last night after maintenance so unsure what was changed.
    in Error Comment by June 2013
  • I'm sorry but I disagree. I've had 2K PC before and been in the 2nd place nation and STILL gotten tokens...3800 should have been plenty.
  • I don't believe in games taking things away from players once it's already been given, especially considering how long FCC has already been out. This is like shutting the barn door after the cow already got loose...totally pointless. And besides, stopping FCC won't won't resolve the issue of idiots who don't know how to…
  • I just had this happen also and I tried firefox and oprera browser. My friend had the same issue and he tried IE and chrome. So no jones blessings for us ;/
  • thanks fuzzy And yea...that was my thought too, lol
  • Nah, I'm just going to assume there is maintenance and go to bed. And I've seen them post late but never 30 minutes before, that's nuts. But like I said, I posted this hoping they'd see it and post about maintenance because it's worked for others in the past. Would be nice if they'd be more consistant about it. Anyway…
  • Because not all get the meaning due to it being confusing. Waves and stages in delta are not the same thing. There's each stage and then the waves of mobs WITHIN each stage. But then my server has never called it that so not a problem here.
  • Actually only 3 and a half hours...3 hours 20 min now :) Makes a difference whether I even log on or just go to bed lol And yea it happens they post late...but sometimes posting a thread asking helps. Just apparently not tonight when I do it lol
  • when there's no maintenance they post that too
  • I wish they'd implement the housing. They could make so much money and they don't even realize. I'm a chick so I just want stuff and a place to put it :D I'd spend all day inside my house just decorating, lol
  • I don't know what you guys were hoping to accomplish but banning people at this late date does nothing positive. If you were trying to send a message out to dissuade people from exploiting, just read this thread and you can see it's backfired. And a 7 day ban certainly won't appease the people QQing for the glitchers to be…
  • ooo I get to be first page post ....and maintenance question was posted in game "whats your favorite dessert" My answer is ALL OF THEM!!!!! ~Emberwynn
  • I agree with the original post mostly on how things are working. But like has already been said, not resetting the map makes it the same way with little factions not getting to TW AT ALL and only one or two big factions owning the whole map. One thing I've noticed that this has changed the dynamic of the bigger factions.…
  • First off, casters have a heck of a time making any money. It's not like using this glitche suddenly meant nobody had to do the work...casters were just suddenly able to do vana as much as melee APS people. And yes I know the drop rate was better for caster vana but anyone farmed r9 from caster could do the same from…
  • Where was this even posted originally about logging in and getting the free fashion? I didn't see it on the main page or the forums.
  • Same here and I've tried IE, opera and firefox. At first it actually let me log in and then wouldn't connect to facebook. Now it's not even letting me get that far in log in.
  • That would be great but they won't stop doing the red text when people win things. It's their way of pushing pack sales. Just be glad it doesn't pop up dead center in a huge window like on some other so called "free to play" games, lol.
  • Me neither ;/ STILL no email. But my husband got one on his account. He joined after me, never spends money and hardly plays. So I took his >.< But I still want mine though b:chuckle
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