deviant79 Arc User


  • They're not going to do anything about this. They just destroyed a good game. I started a protest thread on the dq price drops and it got deleted almost instantly before it got noticed by the community and and others were able to join. Im honestly surprised i didnt get muted or banned from the forum again. This is complete…
  • Thank you. I've only been playing a week and was just starting to enjoy this game cause I discovered dq drops.. now theres no hope of me ever getting anywhere with my character as I work 2 jobs and dont get to play often. I apologize i'm just a little livid about this as I was just starting to enjoy the game thinking I…
  • seriously, i agree. I i've only been playing for a week and just figured out dq drops last night thought to myself finally a way to buy the stuff i need. then wake up today to go make some cash and cant.. Now i have no hope of getting anywhere... Just when I thought I found a game to come home and play after a long day of…
  • All in favor please make your opinion known. This is wrong on so many levels especially for low level players trying to advance. Maybe if enough of us add to this protest and voice our opinions they will right their wrong. <----Protester #1 Bad idea PWI please put prices back. This is going to make lots of people lose…
  • Wow what a botch move on their part. It all comes down to greed and the all mighty dollar. Start removing what is helpful to the free players now that pwi has a fan base and drive them to spend real $$ on items. Thats complete BS... This is going to cause a lot of people to quit if this is something permanent I can pretty…
  • Thanks for bringing this to my attention.. Yeah I bet there are a lot of mad people I'm one of them. They need to stop messing with the things that work and are already here and focus on adding, not removing things.
  • So I discover that dew orbs are relatively easy to collect and worth about 1,200 each. This turned into my money making source for my potions ect. I wake up today go collect some to make a few bucks and now they're only worth 1... Uh,,why the sudden and huge price change? That kind of turns me off of wanting to play as I…
  • PWI east coast servers back up for now. Shows it wasnt a power issue. they dont get fixed that quick
  • Sorry man lets me log in fine just tried every game i listed... No problems on my end and I'm 45 min from NY
  • On the east coast. RaiderZ is working. Counter Strike is working. Gunz is working. Runcraft is working. ********* is working. Black ops is working. MW3 is working. L4D is working. in fact PWI is the only east coast server I cant connect to right now. wow it actually starred out the name of that game... thats odd... out of…
  • because it isnt ran in unison. Each sector is independent and runs on independent employees. Just because the software distributed to each sector was correct for the update doesn't mean every team knew how to implement it problem free.
  • We know that, the point of that was that their html site that is supposed to show truform for the servers doesnt really. Its a wasted and falsified page... mostly in part because there is no linking system between all the different servers. Each sector runs independently and the site relies on communication from them all…
  • lol more like they forgot to implement quality employees. its amazing how easily having a degree will get you a job,, its also amazing how many of those people with degrees cant do half of what is expected of them.
  • yeah i mentioned that lol... Got to love it when the techies **** the pooch and put blame anywhere they can
  • my favorite part is the east coast servers are down but says they are fine and it supposedly updates every 5 minutes.... According to it they are running top notch right now and in full service.... Makes me appreciate having a IT degree and an applied computer science degree.. My servers…
  • weather on the east coast is fine. they hashed the update and the techies cant figure it out. Theyre using the weather as the cover story. There have been a few power outages but nothing near the servers. Everyone one was expecting something huge from sandy but in the UnitedStates it wasnt all they cracked it up to be. Not…