Dance event. Do we just click dance and afk until event over? If not then very hard for any guild keep base unless they are big active guild.
Think archer going be super weak at this point db buff+ blood+ passive crit reduce? unless you got gof bow... Your crit do little damage or none extra damage at all...they kinda kill archer even with fast skill....heck being a barb probably better since they can arma without losing hp soon....
Tome is too broken and kill game faster along with losing money for pwi, probably a better idea is to rebalance all the class. Some classes are too weak even with good gear like Archer. And there are class don't have good gear but have ton broken skill...
No thank you... there enough gamble with pack. Also cn pw won't add this unless they make it for player to reduce ingame coin.They had problem with ingame coin and had to change the coin into 2 type of coin if i remember correct. NPC coin "non-tradeable" and player coin "tradeable"
so only way to get exp to pass lvl 50 is from key pack... does everything have to involve gamble with pack...
What the point battle royal when sin can hide and kill you and restealth. Might as well be a sin event only
I can't login in my char at all... Keep saying wrong infor but yet i can login in arc but not the game at all?
Rather have them put all blessing expire 1min so pvp more balance
Game need some rebalance like sin hit way too hard while old class like archer are very weak compare to newer class like db sb mystic seeker etc
Probably better if you get 7 fight since complain about only 3 faction fight lol
They should had put chip pack 8k for 2g if they going put spend promo whole gold only....