demonicka Arc User


  • Guild: Sindar Leader: HellzFury link :
  • From what i've seen, Sindar is also a level 3 guild and active in tw's. they're also quite helpful and nice with people. apparently, they add only level 25+ now. and the new contact people include MMMchocolate and Teranda
  • fee nas masreya ya khoya.
  • I just want to know... does anyone even test the patches before they're implemented? it's like every other patch , comes out with a bunch of bugs, and needs to be tested again (remember the drama with the halloween boxes being 10k each?) TEST BEFORE YOU IMPLEMENT. it's the BASIS of computer science and game development.…
  • actually, it would help people who zhen ten fold since they would be able to actually pick up their own drops instead of going broke zhenning. would make up for the fact that you need 100 times more exp to level at 60+ , and yet the same level mobs give you almost the same amount of exp as they did at level 20.
  • then we'll be left with hundreds of venos whining about how their pet got removed. seriously, if it's broke DON'T IMPLEMENT IT TILL IT'S FIXED! we have the advantage of having other version patch ahead of us. check and see what works and what doesn't before you implement it. then again... wouldn't be able to make money…
  • Humanoid for faster killing and pvp Tiger for tanking and slower pve. if you're going to play in tiger form however, i suggest you do NOT level tiger form, as it lowers your damage and the increase in hp isn't really worth it.
  • just another reason to force you to buy angels?
  • wait, so you ignore the whole concept of the post and go straight for the part where i say other games are looking more attractive? I said they're looking more attractive because they actually give me some form of control over my own account, i can actually change the registered email and such without going through…
  • They don't even want to bother to give us proper access to our account information so that we can view or change it like much worse mmorpgs's give. why should i charge money to an account i have no control over? point in hand, i doubt they give a damn about their players. and for someone willing to spend 100$ + a month on…