dekonstruktiv Arc User


  • I don't dual client, this game already takes up too many resources by itself. Also I just play the game your company released, i try to enjoy it but have issues like this one which make me not enjoy it. I don't even see the point in having an extra dedicated pc for this game either. I just run one client at 720p on the…
  • There is something to be upset about, and what's upsetting me is how you continue to avoid MY questions and ask your own. Expecting me to answer them without you answering mine. The problem that I've been addressing is this mysterious growing memory issue this game has, and have been asking why it hasn't been fixed. Now…
  • If you can't speak for the developers, why do you keep on replying when i ask specifically for the developers to shed some light. I understand that you're trying to help, but asking me completely unrelated questions isn't getting me or anyone else with my issue anywhere. Of course you don't go through "millions" of lines…
  • Probably the only relevant thing in that post. Elementclient does crash after a certain amount of ram is used. It's crashed on me several times, and every time i know it's been about too much memory consumption. A few of the people in the guild I'm in also agree how poorly this game is coded (Probably not as bad as Maple…
  • The fact that adding to an engine can cause memory leaks is irrelevant, that point is that these leaks have not been addressed. Adding more things to an engine is no excuse to leave memory leaks in. I understand things break when new code is implemented but it should be a top priority to fix, no matter what it is. PS.…
  • I'll try to be a little less harsh. Also I understand that you're trying to help out but underclocking and updating video drivers won't fix a memory leak. But back on topic, if you read my first post thoroughly and see the pictures that i posted one with lowest settings and one with highest settings ranging from 760 MB to…
  • My video card drivers have been up to date since i got my computer last year. Also this memory leak has been around for a very long time. Everything's up to date, i underclocked to see if the problem persisted and it did. Right now it's at 2.4 GHZ which is stock and it still has a disgusting memory leak that only comes…
  • HealthPack - Lost City.