What server are we joing? if i recall correctly its PvE East
of corse ill join your guild its CB no need to get over competitive if i really like the game i might go for somthing bigger and do alot of region battles but for now i just want to have some fun and learn the game
So it looks like we are going PvE i dont care which server either time zone works for me. I like the PvE server more PKing can get really out of hand from my experiances. and i think im going venomancer even though u cant make a male one :( i guess ill be a cross dresser
what server are you guys joing im thinking PvE east or west im still debating on PvP or PvE they have there +s and -s. and i might go east because I live on the east but i play late at night like people on the west coast
i guess i got some carebear in me but im not full fledged carebear helping new people over lvling and dont care about PvP and defeating otheres. I love PvP its fun i just dont want to be fighting out in some forest near death resting up and i get ganked. It can be fun getting your revenge there are some draw backs of being…
Ok so if i dont really care to PK ill join PvE. im not a carebear i just hate getting ganked and it seems in the PvP servers theres going to be some ganking dont get me wrong it can be fun but i like turning PvP on and off not 24/7
If i go to a PvE server i know that there isnt going to be the random killing which is good but will that mean theres no incentive at all to pvp at all like do the territories mean anything or is it just a show off kinda thing who can get the most territories like they have no benefits
hmm kinda a choice for me if there will still be the territory battles then the PvE sounds like its for me i dont really like the PK aspect
I still dont know what class to be either wizard or venomancer do either have any healing powers even if weak ?
Stamina system = a very Dead atlantica try it urself it dosent feel like game more of a battle and time management not to fun
Can you make a male wizard on the char info sheet its female is the gender by class ? i dont want to be a cross dresser :P
kk im hoping this games combat is a little more then ur standared WoW combat im getting sick of those
i cant update my PW-I client keeps saying cant connect to update server is do i have to wait till the 18th for that ?
why would they go threw all that just to test they must have had some thought that there game might succeed in the US all that for a test seems weird is the game even that popular in KR
I know CB1 was great they coulda tweaked it SMALL tweaks and gone to an open beta but no they just needed there stamina :(
Yea atlantica hit the crapper when they added stamina and Ndoors flushed the game down with the last patch i hope there game fails they deserve too
I like the idea of guild owned towns/regions its neat to have somthing to call you own :)
I liked atlantica diffrent combat was fun , i generaly steer clear of these WoW combat style cookie cutter games the single person combat hopefuly theres somthing a little diffrent that makes this combat stand out
ok thats not bad if its pretty small
I just get horror thought from the first MUD i played PKing was open no lvl areas and the Death penalty was seriously like a months worth of playing at high lvls thats why i quit you would just play then 5 med lvl people would all zap you and insta kill you and bam there goes 1 month of playing. anyone know they death…
eww i dont like that when ever theres open PKing it just ends up with a few guys being **** about it killing everything that walks for no reason , i love the idea about controlling regions with huge PvP battles that sounds fun
im a sucker for Hybrid Healers its weird i cant stand being the primary healer beacuse you always have some guy yelling at you cause u made him die but being an off healer when u can just throw a quick heal someones way when they look like they need help. are clerics going to be the only healers ?
yea ranged can be tricky solo but games usaly make it so that everyone can solo are they going to have like PK PvP where someone can just come up and attack you so u have to solo PvP ?
Well i also might have made the Subject of a poll F u Ndoors and one of the poll options was they should be sodomized ;)
What class should i got im debating between Wizard and Ranger being able to fly at the start is nice and i love ranged combat exspecialy when it comes to PvP got have somone flinging the arrows/ fire balls the bad guys way. Now if i learned that Wizard had sometype of small heal so i could be a hybrid spellcaster that…
Hi Starelf im Deadly Peanut from atlantica i just got banned from there fourms cause well you know we all hate stamina and there censoring us :P