lol she got banned anyways, And simple they wont fix it, not unless every person on this game quits for that reason :P Venos are perfectly capable of PK or any form of PvP without a nix lol, that is.. unless you dont know how to play? Defending the nix is just stating that you're nothing of a PvPer without it, Besides...…
OMG i soo thought of that too, man jumping off buildings for suicide would be sooooo funny lol, and yeah.. its just not as realistic, i think the challenege of actually having trouble to jump up a mountain side and climb would be nice ^^
I think new class is good idea, that or make female barbs and guy venos :( I be sexxi with a tail xD!!
No.. he had it right, duels are based on how you built your character and how good you are at using him, using your class to the fullest. PK is not nearly the same, it doesnt matter how good you are in pk, if your opponent is stacked with charms and such and you have none... you're useless. So what PK comes down to is…
Umm.. wizards never taking agro? what lvl is your wizy lol? And dont post about venos here, everyone knows bah blah, venos are best, yeah yeah, they are also easiest to lvl, make money, pvp, and get invited to squads all the time. Venos are just for people who want to be "good" at the game without having to try, period,…
You know, at low lvl.. sure heavy melee veno is fine with melee wep..i've done it and it works for both pvp and pve, tho.. once your higher lvl it isnt good, now idc what you use rly lol.. if you make it work, good job xD But, before you try it.. a heavy melee veno is HARD to use.. if it works for you, again, go ahead and…
You know the only ones crying about how embrace is now are the guys pretending to be girls who wanna carry their "girl" friend in game around, lame -.-" BTW, notice theres never any lesbians on PW? WHY you ask? i tell you xD Most the girls are guys, shush idc thats what im saying, and if the guy wants ppl to think they are…
Eh.. love is love, the ones objecting to it probly got deceived on a game and cant find it in rl, the ones agreeing that you can probly have someone on a game they love or loved once, so really these opinions are biased.. i met my gf off of game and we just decided to play it... cause... well its fun xD reminds me of anime…
Why are you all assuming this person is rich and plays all the time enough to GET a phoenix.. not every veno has one.. lol. the person asked for builds not for pet advice..