covey Arc User


  • Just a though, even after you disable your firewall sometime, the setting are still active on your current connection, try disconnecting from the internet by turning off your modem and/or router or simple restart your computer and try again.
  • I have had that issue as well. my solution have been to run in windowed mode. But that only allows you to run in smaller screen size than your destop... But it does allow you to stretch the window so you still get a full sized screen... hope this helps.
  • I donated my account to the guild I was in... they are locals and wouldn't be going to international server anyways.
  • I like the sound of your guild, I currently play PW-MY and will be shifting my attention to this server. I'm donating my lvl 46 EP to my current guild and will be primarily EP on this server as well. I hate PKers and this agree whole heartily with your stance against them I'll visit your website and seek admittance. Covey…