yeah i think it runs better on here to . alot faster then it use to be for me b:pleased
ok LISTEN UP FOR ALL OF U WHO HAVENT GOT IT RUNNING YET!!!! i Now have a Free Partition on my mac . from Vmware Fusion . took only 45 mins tops i searched all day looking for a way to use vmware fusion for free i now have windows on my mac and i didnt pay a penny b:chuckle go to…
thats what i used. the rising tide launcher . still same problem =\ idk why i get the problemm it sucksssss
well after all that still didnt work b:cryb:cryb:cryb:cry i still get the white screen problem =[
ok cool my update is about 95% right now lol i made sure its in window mode not sure if u need a certain resolution but im at i think 800x600 lol but i reallyyy hope this works i been here for like 6 hours waiting on this b:thanks
ok when u said install the automatic? was that the part u said u dl'd patch 2? or did u have the automatic ticked? or manual? im hoping u had automatic ticked and u dl'd patch 2 at that point because im trying it now b:chuckle hope it works
well i still have the exe for rising tide. but how do u manage on getting it to work? ive tried all ways they claimed they fixed it here. i think they might of got a partition of there mac so there just lying to us about how they "got it" working . because there playing and were not . and the last "claimed fix" made no…
i dont understand what you mean downloaded the torrent one? are u talking about the client torret? or the patch? i dont see a torrent for the patch only torrent i know is the client but u said u dl'd it from crossover games so idk
Not really.. ive tried all the ways they "Claimed" to have got it working hasnt worked for me yet. if that did get it working maybe they got lucky.. or there just lying . who knows. our only option is just to wait for codeweavers to fix the problem =[
didnt really understand that . i added your skype. accept asap :]
Well i tried the way she said . maybe i need more of an explanation .. i even tried with the Genesis Client from the Site.. still has the white screen problem. guess ill wait for codeweavers to fix it -.- i spend 13 hours today trying this solution . not sure how you did it but you mind explaining more Ty.
well i stopped patch 1 and dl'd patch 2 which is done now .. and i got that White Screen Problem .. not sure why =\ the person who said they fixed it .. what patch did you DL? i added your skype hours ago also ....
._. sucks.. lol
is your patch 2 taking a long time?
The person who said they got it working should of been more accurate on the information that was given . if it was only patch 2 she should of said that. im about at 80% of the update which has taken about 3 hours now . if it was all for nothing ill be kinda upset
Uhh im loading patch 1 right now D= do i have to load patch 2 also? or can i still run the game off of patch 1?
ok i think i got it when the popup comes up and says automatic or cancel . i clicked automatic then i have the option to manual patch it im doing so now =D hope this works !b:chuckle
im kinda confused when i open the launcher it says update now or later i click later. like she said.... then it goes away then it says client out of date prepating to update . then a popup comes up and says select your dl automatic or cancel? i choose cancel . then i try to click manual update then the patch # but nothing…
Ok im Redownloading the whole Rising tide again Atm. when the updater comes i click later? or do i already need to have the old rising tide ?
finally b:chuckle now cant wait till they fix it
.. that really sucks i wanna play nowwwwwww
Same D= ... im just so anxious to play again .. if i cant play im really going to cry lol i love this game honestly
Still no solution noone =[?
lvl version 8.2? how would i get that one. unless your just here to lie about it and you actually have a pc D= to make fun of us
if anyone finds a solution please post im dying to play again D= i just got my legendary weapon to :(
.. this really sucks.. they should make a mac version anyway .. theres alot of mac users who play Pw
how did you get it working? and you use crossover games?
i need to talk to u um do you have a msn?
cant use the manual patch for the mac eh?