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  • Well that I agree with.
  • When you actually have a winning season, you can celebrate however you like. We had some fun fights though. Vindicate lasted an hour versus Crisis. Remind me how long Echo lasted? Oh wait, I remember. 20 minutes.
  • *Soul of Silence and Soul of Vengeance can now only be cast on yourself.* wtf how is Echo supposed to PVP with these outrageous restrictions?
  • Luck is certainly important, but strategy helps maximize your gains and minimize your losses. Crisis bidding was idiotic this season. They have no one to blame but themselves for locking themselves out of the top spot.
  • Ah my bad, didn't see the edit. As for the Crisis situation, we used a little thing called diplomacy to retain first place. It's something Echo might try next season... well if you hadn't already pissed off every faction in the game.
  • I don't understand. I watched this video and qontroL said Vindicate would only have 1-2 fights this week. But instead Vindicate had 5 fights! I know qontroL can't be wrong about anything xtw-related. So did PWE change the system to make him wrong?
  • I see no problem with seekers in the current state of the game. They're hard to kill but they don't do anything, and their death combo is so obvious you can counter it easily. What the OP describes is something that may be a problem in the future but isn't a problem at this time.
  • Purify works fine, you just suck at mystic.
  • Assassin is better at this point in the game. Archers just complain about their class all the time.
  • If I'm not mistaken, archer is the only class that 2-spark purifies for. Other classes have to 3-spark.
  • When you know everything about xtw but Vindicate is still winning:
  • If you can't kill a mystic with an archer, you're a terrible archer. Mystics are utterly destroyed by purge. All you have to do is run away until purge procs and then go for the kill.
  • To me the damage absorb proc seems designed for mystics and clerics. Ignore a 1-hit by a sin, move out of the way, then heal off the damage.
  • I like how you guys have all this special knowledge and magic algorithms that are 100% wrong all the time. It takes some real talent to be wrong that often.
  • Vindicate's bid worked fine. Nice attempt to get another rollback.
  • Yeah you have to drag him to where the title quest is available, kind of annoying.
  • Yeah pwdatabase hasn't updated with the Neverfall stuff yet. The rewards are "better" for master BH, and vary by the individual boss you have to kill (like some award 95 chips and some 105). The chance of getting 10m note is 1%.
    in BH Comment by May 2017
  • It's the same as the old "Delta glitch". The game kicks you out and you can't log back in for 3 minutes.
  • Fixed, sorry XD
  • Vindicate vs Tempest war: 3 Vindicate and 1 Tempest were able to enter the war Vindicate vs Crisis war: 2 Vindicate and 1 Crisis were able to enter the war Vindicate vs Echo war: 3 Vindicate and 2 Echo were able to enter the war Vindicate vs Infamous: 0 Vindicate entered. I assume 0 Infamous entered as well because…
  • The NPC you need to talk to spawns in the same room as Borobudur after you kill him.
  • It's the same strategy Karma used successfully in previous seasons, sounds like a red ball choice to me. Vindicate was on pace to pass Crisis this week for first anyway, this glitch just makes it look illegitimate. A rollback to the previous week's scores would be the best solution but I doubt PWE can manage that.
  • For the record we had 3 Vindicate versus 1 Tempest, 2 Vindicate versus 1 Crisis, 3 Vindicate versus 2 Echo, and we got nobody into Infamous fight. We won Infamous by default since it was a defense so I guess they got nobody in. Crisis was a comeback, they got theirs in very early and killed all our towers before we got in.…
  • Apparently you missed his other topic. He's been playing for 5 months and thinks he's endgame. He has no concept of what an endgame sin actually is. Asking for a reduction in the price of acquiring skills is a reasonable request. But besides that, yes he's asking for things on a silver platter.…
  • At what point did OP say he wasn't doing culti, or was putting it off until he gets TS/PW? At what point did he even mention CoM/WoA/NP? See, this is what I'm talking about - you see one person asking for one specific thing to be easier (not even that - only as easy as the other classes already have it), and you start…
  • The current rate of acquisition is fine. Level 10 glyphs functionally don't exist. Maybe one player per server will have a single one in a year's time. Free to play players should not aspire to have more than a set of level 5 glyphs. Cashshoppers should not try to get more than a set of level 8 glyphs. Adding a large…
  • Okay I laughed.
  • We still haven't beaten Judgment non-nuke but got really close yesterday. Mystics can slow the Sacrifices with Nature's Vengeance (regular slow doesn't work). Use Ethereal glyph for 50%+ slow. Stand on the opposite side of the ritual near the wall and you can slow down two Sacrifices at once.
  • When they posted that it was true. It was fixed in the last patch. Veni Vidi Vici is now found in the "Area" tab of titles, all the way at the bottom.
  • Depends on what you want to do. If you want to PVP at all, pull out the credit card. But just doing PVE doesn't cost anything.


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