Well, I chose a PvE server because I understood it to not be a PvP server. Had I had any inclination to 1v1 anyone, I would have rolled my character on the PvP servers. Also, yeah, 72 gold I can afford, so I'm getting my rank 8. I won't be disappointed were I to 1v1 a R8 player as you suggest, presumably. Earlier I could…
I agree with you entirely. This change is brilliant in that I no longer have to give in to the usury of the 5 APS cartels, I can get comparable or better gear for less while not funding the 5APSers for their next upgrades. This latest change definitely evens the playing field a lot, and I'm sure that upsets the vocal…
Something I cannot understand: Why so much abuse and angst from people who have already decided that the game is dead? It's a game, not the area around your ancestral home: You can leave, you know. Consider the possibility that the rest of us, who choose to continue to play this game, have found something to our liking…