c453m4573r Arc User


  • Hmm.. Honestly, I'll only be playing an hour or so a day. Three or four on weekends. Should I go to the PVE server then?
  • Maybe they are just doing this for the CB. I mean, come on, they're giving away cash shop items for crying out loud. It's most likely temporary.
  • I really like this guild so far. But I was informed I was supposed to play four hours a day to join UnLimited. That much time, I can't commit.
  • in ... Comment by c453m4573r August 2008
  • I want to be a PKKer. I don't really care about MY name color. I just think it would be cool. And I don't want to constantly PK. That would suck. PKers seem whiney. They show anger at anyone who goes to the PVE server or anyone who wants to kill them, which in turn, defeats the purpose of PVP. Do you think the anime…
  • Only once have I gone AFK and came back to find I've been PKd. But it might happen more in PVP server.
  • That sucks too. Because I want to be an archer in this version. I've always been fascinated with PW archers. They're just SO cool! :(
  • Wow June, that's really cool. Is it a cactus hitting a ball or something?
  • Something just came to me. I might actually g to the PVE (Optional PVP) server. Because I'm beginning to think that everyone who even goes to this server will be a mage or an archer. There won't be many barbarians, blademasters, or many venos on the server, will there?
  • When I made my warrior, I saw it and knew it was there. The only time I fell through it, is when I wondered if I could, and tried it. After I fell through, i laughed and thought it was funny that they put ONE hole in the bridge.
  • Not much. The only thing I think about is that lag you get when you jumped off of a cliff or a mountain. When you fall and come close to landing at the bottom of the cliff, lag happens, and it's as if you teleported to the top of the fall, and it repeats. It takes a while to get out of it too.
  • Hmm. I'll keep it all in mind. Which of tose skills did he say was good that actually wasn't? I may cut down on those to get the ones you recommended.
  • Hmmm. What do you think the damage reduction will be on this server? I guess there's only one way to find out. I might go with your idea if it feels convenient, but I'm considering this build because it would help in CS.CS looks very fun. Ok, though I don't often fit in with others, I'll give it a shot. Umm.. Is that the…
  • I think i'll still go for the main hybrid. Since I was informed that the damage doesn't have much difference in PVP. Reason is simply because damage is reduced by 75% when in PvP hence having a pure dmg build isn't really that wise. Considering the 2nd fact that most archer skill does fix damage + weapon damage and not…
  • Hey Mystic. I'm going to make a hybrid archer. You know, enough STR for armor, enough DEX for weapon and free points in vitality. Would I still be good for PVP/PK?
  • Hmmm.. I really can't make up my mind for which server I wanna join now. The feel of open PVP would be cool I guess, but I tend to go AFK sometimes and leave my character in a non safe zone. I'm not really sure how much I'd need to watch my back. I'm not sure how much I'd be pk'd... I hope I don't get attacked to much to…
  • I'm thinking I might go to the PVP server, for the traditional gameplay. In the MY servers, I never got attacked much. But then again, this server is made specifically for PVP. So there might be more danger. I want to make an archer this time. I did hear they were good at PVP, but I'd most likely suck at it no matter what…
  • Hmmm.. I actually heard from a guy who worked for the Chinese version (Or Malaysian version [I forgot]) that a very little amount of profits are made from their cash shop. Most of what they make is from Larger corporations such as Microsoft. And in exchange, they put up ads on the PW site. Something like that. And you must…
  • I totally agree. It took me four hours on that Damned game just to make from level 14 to 15. It was terrible. Flyff is bad too. They're making the characters even harder and worse now, and of course, everything on that game's cash shop takes 20 to 50 USD. Nobody would pay that much money for clothes on that game, but for…
  • Good. I hate the idea of keeping the name. because if your OB character has a new name, someone out there who might want to use the old one would be out of luck.
  • No way. I like it better the way it is now. When I started out, I loved the idea. It lets me experience the customs, life and history of that race. The story is very rich in the beginning. And to kill it off just because it takes you a little while to hit 20 would displease me.. And what about the venomancer taming quests?…
  • LMAO! I feel so dumb... :D I think that quote originally came from the eldest of Hanson. Right?
  • Hey. If you saw what we had to read in MY EN, you'd be VERY thankful. I don't care if it's an error or not. At least I can tell that there are errors in the spelling on this version...
  • Don't worry. They won't be invalid if there's no character named after it. I should hope not. I have made my preset look for my upcoming character and I don't want to have to do it again. I'll ask a moderator.
  • How can you use thesaurus to make up a username? All that does is find synonyms and antonyms. It seems like using a dictionary to find Pizza Hut's phone number.. And the male archer doesn't look like a ***. I wish I had glowing stuff like he does..
  • I agree. hoist cuddle rocks. My GF and I used to get on and do that because of the long distance between us. And your STR idea makes it very realistic.
  • Being carried by a girl would make me feel like a pimp x]
  • I had the same problem. But June's link is right. ryuuzaki uploaded the working data4.pck. It'll work if you download it.
  • I am in Lost City as well (Axel)
  • I like it so far. This gives me a chance to try out a mage, and then make the EA I've always wanted for my main. So I just get to experiment here and there. I agree that people would be pissed if the game had a second wipe.