bunbohue Arc User


  • well that cant be right since I did see my speed increase while i was leveling my flight mastery, my original wings were at 1.00 before I sold them.
  • if your using the payforcash option, read closer, theres approx. 2$ fee for using it, so your not really spending 30 for 32. Its about the same.
  • lol its gonna take time for pc games to have **** characters but it would be nice for an archer to carry anyone, maybe for a guy he carries him by the underarms.that be sweet while the guy being carried uses a range weapon to fight off creeps or have a quest that you need to pair up with another male to finish quest.…
  • well then thats what I meant, lets add the jumping too shall we? theres a mouse scroll wheel that also functions as a button.
  • lol its funny how you say be real when our characters have fish gills for lungs, its just added convienience thats all. I like the postbox to message friends with 1 box to place an item so they can receive a letter when they get back online, thats a great option to have even though it cost 500g, but if its amongs friends…