trade and sell system easier and other stuff.

bunbohue Posts: 12 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Suggestion Box
how about an option on the hud to have a sell button so that when you pick up an item you want to sell and setup shop, you can do it anywhere on the map, including the caves? Also when you trade, theres an option for you to trade with friends anywhere on the map? Wouldn't that be convienient? Also, couldn't there be a timer when were submerged in water to give it that added realism and a more challenging fight with underwater mobs? And another thing, an auto heal and auto mana option so when it goes down a certain percent our character automatically takes the needed potion so we don't have to keep on clicking the mouse or hotkeys? May use lots of potions but hey, thats the cons of using auto potions. And last but not least, why can't we have most basic options like running, jumping, picking up loot, targeting a mob, etc. all on our mouse control? Some people like myself would love just to just lay back and play the game with a mouse with minimal keyboard usage. I would like to end my post by saying I totally love this game and you guys are doing a great job so far with stuff like your chat system, quests, mobs, npcs, the world looks wonderful and alive and with the option to pay for cool stuff while your playing the game for "FREE" is just awesome. Even if you can't make these changes I just asked, I can't complain, its free. b:bye
Post edited by bunbohue on


  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    yeah sure..

    when you dining..; and theres no bread.. you just snap fingers to have it ?

    When you send friends objects.; they have it instantly ??

    be real .. this is no game for 10YO

    there are enuff npc, AH, and postbox to do that .; you just need to move your ****. just like in real life.
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • sekmetstouch
    sekmetstouch Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    And MOST of the stuff you listed can be done by mouse already. ( Jumping not included).
  • bunbohue
    bunbohue Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    yeah sure..

    when you dining..; and theres no bread.. you just snap fingers to have it ?

    When you send friends objects.; they have it instantly ??

    be real .. this is no game for 10YO

    there are enuff npc, AH, and postbox to do that .; you just need to move your ****. just like in real life.

    lol its funny how you say be real when our characters have fish gills for lungs, its just added convienience thats all. I like the postbox to message friends with 1 box to place an item so they can receive a letter when they get back online, thats a great option to have even though it cost 500g, but if its amongs friends why not do things instantly for each other? Its just convienient. And its among friends, at least then if were all in a squad party and everyones doing different quest and all over the map why not? like i said its just a suggestion, I would think the developers would want to make the interface of the game alot easier and friendlier for new people to come and play this game down the line, just a suggestion, no need to make world war 3 out of it.
  • bunbohue
    bunbohue Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    And MOST of the stuff you listed can be done by mouse already. ( Jumping not included).

    well then thats what I meant, lets add the jumping too shall we? theres a mouse scroll wheel that also functions as a button.
  • Blairewitch - Sanctuary
    Blairewitch - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    auto potions is a good idea, and although i dont really want an underwater timer (i like being able to take my time :P) it would be cool to have some treasure chests deep deep down in a lake/etc, and have to swim all the way down to get it in time :)
    ^that last bit probably exists i dont know the game enough