bronza Arc User


  • god...I am...idk its just a suggestion they can take it or leave it but I'm suprised I remembered something from my classes about the numbers thing and psycological effects. Either way its towards the bottom of my list I think I'd actually move it to number 5 and make 5 number 4 on the list in hindsight. cause while the…
  • Dele here's the think with farming if I wanted to do it I'd be out behind a plow. Quests in any game I've played been the main source of income cause usually their harder to do and involve more efort to do. Also I would have flown every where but when you below 30 to do your first DQ YOU CANT also the initial flying sword…
  • This is a joke Venos are as O.P. as PWI is an MMORPG. If you seriously need to think that everyone else but venos need nered you seriously need to learn to play.
  • That has nothing to do with being Christian thats just being a good human being. Half the problem is most people who says their Christian, Jewish , Muslim, Hindu, or any other religion doesnt really know what they believe they just found a title and a basic model that they are trying to form themselves to. Religion is as…
  • 449,859 out side Etherblade was where I found it spawn alot Little Yaoyuan's Snowman
  • or just have one area were you can make a shop thats not a high traffic area like West Arch. I know other games do that, like in one you can only set up shop like next to a dungeon to sell your pots and stuff. But ya I'm tired of seeing them damn cats and like half of them are just people who walk away from the computer…
  • I like the idea but also could be like a scarf. Like the I see the picture of a Blademaster on the website with a scarf and I think thats badass I wish my guy could have one. But the whole its your guild specific...well I think that aitn bad either but on top of that you can make your own personal one...kinda like in WoW…
    in capes Comment by bronza November 2008
  • rild they got bigger fish to fry yes little things like that will make it look prettier but from my computer animation experience I can tell you this. It's more hassel then its worth. In general hair in computer animation is the devil. it's hard to make it look and "feel" like hair and not like a plastic wig with dangling…
  • Just pulling from my experience with other games, Buff timers in general are a win, even if it isn't necessarily numeric but some sort of graphical on like just a little green bar that slowly shrink and begins to disappear would infinatly be an improvement, but number would be the best.
  • Now Cosmos has a good point in that alot of people spent alot of money on Guardian Angels, unless they really like to farm coinage. Those people spent real money in large quantities and may have gotten nothing of remote value to themselves. But I still say if you got a flying mount and wanna complain well I look at it as…
  • But Bombchu you CAN get choked up on the "They didnt read" part beacuse they DIDN'T READ they have no reason to complain it was there plain as day. First time I saw the window and said "oh look a 'special exclusive mount called Midnight', that looks not that amazing just their horse model with flaming hooves." Not "oh look…
  • While it is annoying to all who spent the time thinking that they were getting rare flying mounts, please put more skill points into reading comprehension, they never said the flying mounts were rare or exclusive just Midnight which they blantanly ripped from WoW. says even on their event page "Jolly Old Jones will be…
  • well under the BM class discussion theres a guide to fist BM's but generally based on using fists they get more rouge or assassin type skills like a kick to interupt spells( as I under stand it). So fist could have appealing bonuses to some. But I do agree that they are rather lacking. I understand the realisticness that a…
  • Well Myish I like your idea I like how I can bimnd skills to the numbers and function keys but why does it stop at 6? can't it go all the way across? alot of games go to atleast the 0 key some include plus and minus? Also the images could be shrunk a bit and allow for more buttons even i fthey aren't hot keyed. just little…
  • With that being said in the PWI system multiclassing is an epic fail cause it CAN'T work why? look at every build guild you use most of your points toward on main stat some others towards secondary and maybe one toward hp/vit. ~Bm's mainly focus is strength, then dex for accuracy and crit ~Barbs Str and Health to tank or…
  • STOP WHINING THE PART THAT DIED WAS THE WEAK PART NOW YOU ARE STRONGER. and with great power comes great responsability...share it with the lowbies and gank a few here and there. Here's how I view it all when I played WoW I played PvP i was ganked but in doing so I saw what other classes were able to do and I learned…
  • Honestly this thread hasn't died yet? turn to keep it alive : ) Heaven's Tear doesn't = carebear at least not entirely. Having playied on numerous pvp servers for various games I personally chose HT cause mostly I didnt like this you die you can lose your gear idea. I first saw that and said PVE for me. Also…
  • Point A It's Perfect World in title and the point of the game it seems is to fight to make a perfect world, why doees it have to be in game only? And to me a perfect world means everyone should be able to live, love, and play games freely without being persucuted. Guess what people the **** population is human, do we…
  • OK here's the thing whats to stop the level 60 bully from just making another toon to be with in a certain level range and just twink him out with the best gear that his level 60 can create/farm/buy, if they instituted this proposed 5 level range of yours? Is constant harassment non stop an issue yes... BUT I do agree with…
  • well learn something new every day and thats why I'm also not a law student cause I would have never guessed it as federal law if anything it would be y guess it was state thanks Gattsuru
  • you can marry other players in this game I forget how much it costs I think 30 gold per wedding pack so about 60 us dollars. But it has to be a male/female character marriage.
  • To answer your question in a not very clear way look at the Monoploy game for McDonalds can you play with out buying certain items to get pieces? ( I honestly could be wrong cause well I dont really eat McDonalds) There's a wierd way in how that no purchase necessary thing works I had a person who studied law explain it…
  • And I want cookies but you dont see me charging into a bakery yelling "I WANT COOKIES!" First point Do you honestly hope for change just by running in and yelling? Second Point If you answered yes to the first question... if you wanna run in with guns blazing, use spell check or something, cause honestly you look like a…
  • Prankster all I gotta say to you is you must expect everything in the world to be handed to you. You dont have to spend money to get cash shop items I'm not I just spend a coupe hours here and there farming up coins and stuff to sell. But it seems you dont wanna spend time playing a game. You just wanna start playing and…
  • Ok so venomancers with pets that can tank...see no issues there. Using pet to tank boss with boss not fighting back, problem. Except that as I understand it isn't a problem to the developers who /epicfail at fixing it and or publish an official announcement about it being bannable. Thus I see no problem, you don't seem to…
  • So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will fight without danger in battles. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. Chinese Proverb from the Art of War I believe. Basically if you…
  • Bronza is actually my B Elf warlock name when I played WoW before coming to this game and it was a spinoff of the Name Brona from Terry Brooks Shannara Series. Brona was the Warlock Lord and big man bad guy that everyone fears in the first 3-4 books and even when thought of later on in the series even though he's dead it…