breeeezy87 Arc User



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  • Not bad, playing caster style as a seeker. A bit of constructive criticism, you're using wrong stance for your style, try to combo more skills, use your keys more so you don't have to click as much on skill bar, use ion spike and sac slash and get IG's!!
  • Seekers can do anything in this game and are usually better at doing so than any other class (aside from boring auto-attack aps). A lot of people still haven't taken the time to figure out how seekers work and what they're capable of. Even players in big factions who have been playing a long time have no clue what they're…
  • Everything's useful other than the one 100 skill which requires stance and has super low proc rate, didn't even bother to learn its name. I'm a skill book lover, books > gear!
  • The game is like life, it's fairly easy to get what you want if you have a brain. Merched 2 r9 sets in a year one +12, other 10/11/12 both JOSD, lvl 6 tomes... and bla bla. Most people are just straight dumb and waste their time posting on forum rather than making moneyz \o/
  • 550 tokens on my seeker, didn't have any idea what i was doing or touch a flag the entire time...
  • I'm not getting BH2's from BH1's since the patch, could you look into this as well. BH 100's to be precise, and no, I didn't already have BH2's on my quest list.
  • I did BH1 SoT last night which gives snakefist BH2 and I did BH1 Abaddon which gives W2 BH2. The only BH2 I had on my list prior to doing these was W3 BH2, which i got from the past week's W2 BH1. I got 2 ecstacy cards and 55 chips from my 2 BH's last night. I solo caster's in roughly 30mins, making 7-8m a run, what would…
  • The pet is a useless waste of sparks, i use every single seeker skill except this pet, i can't find any situation that validates its waste of 2 sparks for such little benefit. I bought my book on DW a week after AEU came out and the book cost less than the fee to learn it. I regret wasting my coins.
  • i. They were both born on a non leap year. Anna was born 3hrs or less before midnight on february 28th, therefore Lana was born into the next day on March 1st. They go to the club on Feb. 28th 21 years later, since it's a leap year the days go 28,29,1. Therefore the 1st(Lana's bday) is in 2 days. ii. 11*4+2=46 10*4+6=46 46…
  • Lock archers into only using bows, same as seekers can only use blades/sword and end of discussion. Well end of that discussion, new discussion would be why can't archers use claws.
  • This post pleases trolls, keep upping your post counts and bumping it please b:cute
  • Not sure what kind of calculations you'd like but it's simple, seeker's cant get over 2.86 aps, seeker's require magic defense since they dont have skills to reduce mag dmg, seeker's are more ranged casters than melee, seekers dont have enough disables/stuns to play melee aps style. Also from actually playing the game and…
  • A balance of sales to avoid merchanting and keep gold at a reasonable cost. Such the same as they've done with rank sales. By leaving them in boutique gold has remained steady preventing the drastic fluctuations. I just put it better tyvm.
  • Worst possible strategy a seeker can have vs any class. APS seeker would be the worst build you could possibly make, if you want aps make a sin.
  • Yay for trolls and yay for bumps. My post although slightly harsh incorporates what both the players want and the company should want. ijs if you have 500+ posts i can pretty much guarantee 99% of them were useless thread counts but keep bumping please it's all I want. b:laugh
  • F2P game, F2P player smartass
  • It's a 6:30pm Saturday event to gain prestige, full of regen hardons who try to get 500pts for no reason so lesser geared players can't benefit from event.
  • Using multiple seekers to transfer HF, Subsea, Amp as well as fully buffing a char doesnt make any score under 3m impressive imo. Try with self buffs and no squad or debuffers as this damage test should have been intended.
  • Maybe you will ****? b:dirty
  • Are there still new sales tonight? Can GM's please finally add 1* and 10* orbs to boutique at an actual sale price.. Everyone in the game wants orbs and gold's gonna go up to 2m when you do finally put them in. Please make the price reasonable to counteract gold price, a sale such as there was at thanksgiving or christmas.…
  • Gladio's been reduced to 0.
  • Once again you can buy openers for casters... bigroom spots are 250k-300k on DW, Sins weren't even on the poll, ofcourse sin + anything will do FC faster than no sin in squad lol this doesnt make them the best pair. Basically you're only saying sin+seeker is good for FC, FC get's boring quick and aren't the only part of…
  • BM + seeker is a bad mix due to the simple fact that both deal mainly physical damage. I know seekers have some magic add skills but they lack real magic damage that psy/wiz provide. For example you come a across another BM he can simply use phy marrow if both of you are phy damage. The mix of mag and phy damage, range and…
  • You can buy openers same as people have been doing since forever in normal nirvy, the runs u can do are only limited to the number of openers u can find, which are a lot. The psy is powerful enough to solo caster with a seeker? I solo casters on my seeker lol.
  • PV is easy to solo let a alone duo, 3-4 pulls and aoe.. like anyone does it anyway. Why would i want to duo FCC to sell? (could easily duo with psy in under 30mins only takes 45mins to solo as it is lol) Some people see the big picture and realize there's no or very little money to make doing this and impossible to sell…
  • Wiz or psy, sins are useless with seekers other than giving bp, they're already too much of a solo class to have a partner and no seeker skills benefit sins the way they do other classes. Psy + seeker both have useful debuffs which benefit each other. BM is useless to a seeker.. HF meh and already enough phy def. In TW…
  • Saw the post and thought id go back and try damage test in 1k on my seeker. Ended up scoring 1.15m with only self buffs + crit buff (base), no squad and no outside debuffers. I doubt any seeker on any server can beat this with only self skills.
  • Dsholder so blame for Gladio fake bidding should fall on Kindrid's leader, is that the point you're trying to get across? Seems like a cop out and blame game. Doesn't matter how much we bid, i'm sure everyone knows rex has the money to outbid and the willingness to win at all cost. Anyways i won't waste more time posting…
  • If you had the confidence to beat kindrid you would have bid on us this week. Taking one of boofs lands eliminates no ganks, they can still gank you along with others. Also beating kindrid this week would have given you two lands and you could have attacked lost. Lastly you had 6 catas last week when u lost to us. I wonder…
  • Lol no one farmed r9 recast during 2x... an average caster runs in 2x yields about 3 raps and 15 cannies. The cost of openers is 400k+ each. Charm **** soloing casters can be quite extensive. Each run will take 30-40mins minimum to solo even with the best gear available. Wc'ing for openers and getting them all inside/…


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