Archers and Bloodpaint



  • Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If Demon Stormrage wasn't countered by Holy Path, you could stack that with other archers and make someone run in place for 15s. Sure it would cost like 4 sparks between 2 archers to completely immobilize someone, but it would at least be a novelty that is not countered by anti stun buffs.

    You can do the same with Sage Stormrage for 30s, but the slow is less so you'd need more archers.

    Curious.... why not just use Aimlow that gives a better effect for half the cost of chi?. (As well as demon version can stun them / sage can seal).(2 archers using aim low = 16seconds of freeze[chance they cant do anything] and only costs 2 sparks)?

    And if the sage eagle actually dropped defense instead of attack I'd actually consider using it.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Anyone know the proc rate of Blood Vengeance? One BM who was in a random BH with me said it triggered 30% of the time.

    Let's just pretend it's 10% (Revenge is 5%, and Blood Vengeance's description says it's higher). 10% trigger means 1 trigger every 2 seconds, on average. That's 7 triggers, on average, every 15-second spark cycle. Each trigger heals 5% of your HP, so that's 35% of your health healed every spark cycle, on average. If it really is 30% proce rate, then that's over 100% heal every spark cycle, on average.

    It's not the same as Bloodpaint, but a 35% heal every spark cycle is nonetheless impressive. So for the people advocating getting Bloodpaint on archers for melee attacks, just keep re-rolling Nirvana 2nd-cast claws until you get Blood Vengeance.

    I've wanted to do this, but between my struggles financing R9 and the fact I'm somewhat loathe to part with my +20 attack levels on my current claws, I haven't done this yet.
  • Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Or.... you could make a sin account stash 99% of your gear and buy it r8 for the chest and daggers (until you can afford nirvana). And be able to solo it more effectively. :P

    Would be easier don't really like lvling alt's though never did on any game hate doing the same stuff over and over.
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Curious.... why not just use Aimlow that gives a better effect for half the cost of chi?. (As well as demon version can stun them / sage can seal).(2 archers using aim low = 16seconds of freeze[chance they cant do anything] and only costs 2 sparks)?

    And if the sage eagle actually dropped defense instead of attack I'd actually consider using it.

    Because it's funny. You wouldn't use 2 sparks to cast a DoT slow in any serious situation anyway.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Because it's funny. You wouldn't use 2 sparks to cast a DoT slow in any serious situation anyway.

    But i might troll someone with a Stormrage/BV/Awaken/spark combo. :D
    (watches as they attempt to run away in slow-motion b:chuckle)
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Lock archers into only using bows, same as seekers can only use blades/sword and end of discussion. Well end of that discussion, new discussion would be why can't archers use claws.
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i said it before that before restricting weapon take away interval from the game

    with no int ppl would automatecally go back to there main weapon path

    its not that hard just take it away otherwise you should not say anything about restrictions
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    breeeezy87 wrote: »
    Lock archers into only using bows, same as seekers can only use blades/sword and end of discussion. Well end of that discussion, new discussion would be why can't archers use claws.

    Then the QQ would start that bosses run around like fools, cause archer have steal aggro, on short range he suck so another one would take aggro again, blabla

    ...and thers nothing more annoying then a sin who needs to spark every mob and u stand there with ur bow and make a) nothing or b) attack and hear a sin crying over a wasted spark( how patetic )

    If Archer is no melee and get no bp, take away the reflect effects from buffs for melees...oh wait here we can be melee again i suppose
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    make archer aps 3-4++ with bow.. muahahahahaha... sound nice tome meh.. lolololol
  • Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Hp recovering Fists. Archers can easily get 5.0 unsparked without full interval gear. Make a nice pair of g15 fists with Blood Vengeance or w/e and you're set.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] for GD Onion 2012 b:victory
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I want to ask something,when i was making acc i was set email b:surrender,its wrong mail,and now i want to change pass.Answer for Archer and BP is BP work only for mele attacks.b:victory
  • Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    150 strength for damage multiplier.
    481 dex = +24 Crit% not including gear adds
    5.0 Demon sparked.
    70 attack levels.
    Chance to heal quite a lot from proc. Blood Vengeance doesn't work right on calc.

    etc etc
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] for GD Onion 2012 b:victory
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I Am a lvl 90 Archer and More often than Not I do have to tank FF..... With Buffs ( BM, Cleric, Demon Archer, Barb ) I can tank half big room mobs.....

    A Lot of Archer skillz are actually close range.... And Unless an Archer goes Pure dex They have to use Claws / Fists more often than ya would think..... Especially on bosses

    I can Solo without cleric every BH till 79.... And when needed if tanks go down in 79 I can tank the 2 last bosses till cleric rez's tanks or I can hold both off indefinetly

    Archer's will never get bloodpaint for sure since they are ranged class, with high,crit dmg with high magic attack skills , think that are enough for Archer, sorry no b.p for u guys !b:chuckle

    Sins are Basically Archers with higher dex.... Archer range skillz not really any good on bosses and I have seen many lvl 100+ Archers die on large mob pulls in BH 51 cause they have gone as may here suggested pure dex.....

    Sins have on average higher evasion, higher crit, more close range skillz....

    All ya'll complaining bout the aps nerf LMFAO.... It does not affect Sins at All.... think bout it

    a 20% reduction on Acc..... Most sins have 400+ Dex...... So that's bout 5k Acc give or take..... Add in 2 rings with + 50% Acc that's 10k Acc.... Now reduce that by 20% still leaves 8k Acc.... with 400 + Dex evasion is 4-5k +...

    The aps nerf only affected BM's, Barbs and other aps non dex based chars

    Back to topic.... Archers ranged attacks ya got 2 options... ya either want to fire off ya spell attacks quickly in which case ya need - chan gear or ya want to fire off normal attacks quick which needs -aps gear

    But since Almost All go -aps gear the whole spell BS many on this thread are spewing is pointless....

    on one hand, I dont think that people should be forced to change class to farm

    on the other hand, I think that asking for bp to make farm easier/cheaper on archer is greedy/unfair, especially considering that archer&sins share the same gear. it's not like you have to buy a whole new set that would also be unusable on your main (kk, I could use the ornies on psy)

    Have ya factored in the Arrow costs O.o I spend on average 3M on arrows a week..... And will double or triple that when I hit 101..... Any other Phys class have that high a main cost without fixing gear?
    BP is pretty OP for 5.0 APS users, I'm sure someone has stated that here in this thread already though.

    Archer is Just like Sin... can hit 5 aps sage easily..... Can be 5 aps Demon r9 Archer if ya switch out either chest for R8 or neck and belt for lionheart and go a -0.1aps weap
    Archers shouldn't have BP. End of. They are one of, if not The Hardest hitting physical damage DDers (With a bow/crossbow/slingshot), they have a huge range to attack from & as someone said earlier on in the thread if you're going to use the archer class in a way its not really meant to be used, don't cry & whinge because you don't get Bloodpaint, if you could heal yourself with bloodpaint, it would be a pitiful amount compared to what sins/BM's can do because they ARE Physical Melee.

    Me-lee. [Mey-Ley]


    A confused hand-to-hand fight or struggle among several people.

    An Archer Does not fight hand-to-hand, in my opinion the only time an archer should really use claws is to build Chi off of NPC's, beyond that they should use a bow.

    Build An Archer toon and then talk k.... It doesn't matter if I use bow or claw..... I ALWAYS draw agro.... Least with claws / fists I am close to BM / Sin / Barbs so they can help pull larger mobs down... And yes I burn on average 300 crabs a day as well as charm ticks at 2 Plat HP charms a week and 1 MP plat a week

    Even If I come late to a Boss battle I Always draw agro.... For some reason I hit harder than the BM's and Barb's and Sins And Usually have to save their butts :p

    Many players often forget that I am NOT a BM cause I Draw focus on 99% of battles either mob or boss.....
    haha...might as well give archers stone barriers as well, and something like titans to increase phy attk like barb as well as cleric version of 10 min buffs.

    i mean honestly having the most range and safe distance highest dmg out-put, high purge on r9 bow, stealth, most anti stun skills and few dmg absorbing skills isn't enough duh. TRLOLOLLOLOL. b:bye

    Subscribe this thread to make archer best pvp + pve class today! ZING-

    Veno's out ranges Archers easily btw I know cause I Usually take one in FF with me cause Veno's come in very handy..... My 3rd fav class to take in FF behind BM's and Seekers and equal with barbs.... If Most if not All BM's, Barbs and Seekers wanted BP I Would never take a Sin into FF.... Don't really like sin toons..... If they aren't buffed they drop way to easily.... And YES I have a Sin toon...... But prefer Archer By a LONG Shot

    Archers are essentially DD's... And they steal Agro more than any class except possibly Wizzy's..... And due to that Archers spend more time than they should up close and personal with mobs / bosses....

    Are all ya'll who say that One should learn to play their toon better instead of wanting something like BP saying ya'll don't know how to play ya toons since ya can't keep agro? Or are ya saying ya can play just as well without BP? In which case they should remove BP from All but sins since it is a Sin skill which ties into the whole ASSASSIN Char type?

    They should either remove BP from ALL Toons except Sins or Allow ALL Phys Attackers to use it... Not from Range of course as melee means close range attacks....

    BP on All Melee Phys Attacks or removed from All but Sins.......

    Let the flaming BEGIN!
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    hunterspy1 wrote: »
    I Am a lvl 90 Archer and More often than Not I do have to tank FF..... With Buffs ( BM, Cleric, Demon Archer, Barb ) I can tank half big room mobs.....

    A Lot of Archer skillz are actually close range.... And Unless an Archer goes Pure dex They have to use Claws / Fists more often than ya would think..... Especially on bosses

    I can Solo without cleric every BH till 79.... And when needed if tanks go down in 79 I can tank the 2 last bosses till cleric rez's tanks or I can hold both off indefinetly

    Sins are Basically Archers with higher dex.... Archer range skillz not really any good on bosses and I have seen many lvl 100+ Archers die on large mob pulls in BH 51 cause they have gone as may here suggested pure dex.....

    Sins have on average higher evasion, higher crit, more close range skillz....

    All ya'll complaining bout the aps nerf LMFAO.... It does not affect Sins at All.... think bout it

    a 20% reduction on Acc..... Most sins have 400+ Dex...... So that's bout 5k Acc give or take..... Add in 2 rings with + 50% Acc that's 10k Acc.... Now reduce that by 20% still leaves 8k Acc.... with 400 + Dex evasion is 4-5k +...

    The aps nerf only affected BM's, Barbs and other aps non dex based chars

    Back to topic.... Archers ranged attacks ya got 2 options... ya either want to fire off ya spell attacks quickly in which case ya need - chan gear or ya want to fire off normal attacks quick which needs -aps gear

    But since Almost All go -aps gear the whole spell BS many on this thread are spewing is pointless....

    Have ya factored in the Arrow costs O.o I spend on average 3M on arrows a week..... And will double or triple that when I hit 101..... Any other Phys class have that high a main cost without fixing gear?

    Archer is Just like Sin... can hit 5 aps sage easily..... Can be 5 aps Demon r9 Archer if ya switch out either chest for R8 or neck and belt for lionheart and go a -0.1aps weap

    Build An Archer toon and then talk k.... It doesn't matter if I use bow or claw..... I ALWAYS draw agro.... Least with claws / fists I am close to BM / Sin / Barbs so they can help pull larger mobs down... And yes I burn on average 300 crabs a day as well as charm ticks at 2 Plat HP charms a week and 1 MP plat a week

    Even If I come late to a Boss battle I Always draw agro.... For some reason I hit harder than the BM's and Barb's and Sins And Usually have to save their butts :p

    Many players often forget that I am NOT a BM cause I Draw focus on 99% of battles either mob or boss.....

    Veno's out ranges Archers easily btw I know cause I Usually take one in FF with me cause Veno's come in very handy..... My 3rd fav class to take in FF behind BM's and Seekers and equal with barbs.... If Most if not All BM's, Barbs and Seekers wanted BP I Would never take a Sin into FF.... Don't really like sin toons..... If they aren't buffed they drop way to easily.... And YES I have a Sin toon...... But prefer Archer By a LONG Shot

    Archers are essentially DD's... And they steal Agro more than any class except possibly Wizzy's..... And due to that Archers spend more time than they should up close and personal with mobs / bosses....

    Are all ya'll who say that One should learn to play their toon better instead of wanting something like BP saying ya'll don't know how to play ya toons since ya can't keep agro? Or are ya saying ya can play just as well without BP? In which case they should remove BP from All but sins since it is a Sin skill which ties into the whole ASSASSIN Char type?

    They should either remove BP from ALL Toons except Sins or Allow ALL Phys Attackers to use it... Not from Range of course as melee means close range attacks....

    BP on All Melee Phys Attacks or removed from All but Sins.......

    Let the flaming BEGIN!


    . ......... ... ....


    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    Too coherent and long. Yulk's got the mind of a 12-year-old, remember. One that's hopped up on Mountain Dew and MMOs...
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    mm2000 wrote: »
    You're an idiot, roll a class that heals from BP instead of a clawcher and problem is solved.

    Oh and archer's spark heal HP too which is a self heal... Idiot....

    easy can answer the question without attacking the poor guy
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    hunterspy1 wrote: »

    Back to topic.... Archers ranged attacks ya got 2 options... ya either want to fire off ya spell attacks quickly in which case ya need - chan gear or ya want to fire off normal attacks quick which needs -aps gear

    But since Almost All go -aps gear the whole spell BS many on this thread are spewing is pointless....


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