bluesey Arc User


  • Wow, really? I've been away for WAY too long! I thought you got to pick all of your faces! Silly me, close thread. b:laugh
  • Well, I see you're playing a Tideborn, and basically that race has been flooded (no pun intended) by everyone and their mother trying it out. I'd say as a fix for that using the Best Performance mode, which is the widest button above your portrait. It'll make everyone outside a 10-foot radius disappear and everyone in a…
  • Well, I don't personally have Win7, but I'd imagine it's not too different. What you need to do is go into Program Files (or wherever PW is installed), find the "element" folder, right-click "elementclient.exe" and go to the Compatibility tab, and hope it has something a bit better than Vista's measly single option of…
  • Did you use PW's screencap function or the PrntScrn key? PrntScrn takes a literal screen print of what's displayed on the monitor and would have been the better choice for this, as PW's function seems to print it at the selected resolution based on what I can gather from this. What I have to offer is that Win7 likely is…
  • In addition to the above, the UI components are literally the exact same size. They just look a bit smaller on a widescreen monitor because you have more space to spread them out in. If you prefer things condensed, just play in windowed mode in a 4:3 resolution you like. Heck, it's the only way you can get anywhere with…
  • It's great I'm not the only one who feels this way. Although I'd like to take it a step further and say anyone should be able to carry anyone. As much as I'd like to see a Veno able to haul around a hulking Barb (come on, you can't say it's not a hilarious image), that really raises the question why guys can't give each…
  • I'd open the ports on your firewall before I'd mess with the router. It's much easier to do; just add the files that call out. Opening ports on your router is a bit more pain and heartache. You need to determine your own IP address (which you can do with IPCONFIG at a command prompt), go into a web browser, put in your own…
  • Why, exactly? I'm a computer programmer, myself. From experience, having relevant data helps fix the problem. Unless there's reason to believe it's not actually from PWI?
  • You know, I wonder if it has something to do with the 16:9 button? If it's happening to more than one person, clearly some code is getting messed up. Widescreen monitors are actually 16:10, not 16:9 (which is only widescreen TV resolution). You really should be just doing it via the resolution settings. On the other hand,…
  • Did you do the patches in order? There are several manual patch files that you'll need to do in order to get up to speed. If you're having issues just going through the patch server, try that. It might even be loads faster.
  • Try to force your login. I had an issue similar to this a while back. Just check the box and see if that lets you get in. If it does, you won't have to keep checking it afterward.
  • Well, it can't be physical damage, since, as you said, it doesn't show up on other resolutions. Aside from that, software isn't capable of causing physical component damage, anyway. It's probably a settings issue. Did you do anything with your video drivers? If something screwed up the display driver, all you need to do is…
  • I'm having the same problem. Heavens Tear seems broken altogether. I was in and a lot of people complained they couldn't move. I was trying to sell off some items, but it wouldn't take at the merchant, so I went over to the blacksmith and it wouldn't even let me talk to him. I figured I'd log out to see if it would reset…