avainix Arc User


  • genies are a new way to custumize your avatar they are kinda like pets but all class (and venos can have a genie out AND their pet) genies can also get skills just like you can. you buy them armor and all that. they also evolve at certain lvs. heres a link: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=215862
    in genie Comment by avainix April 2009
  • yeah this messed me up starting too XD. ok first of all you don't get pet skills from a venomancer trainer you get them from the pet trainer. you click on a pet trainer located in almost EVERY city and click on the option tame pet and there are your pet skils ^^
  • ok i think some of you all are forgetting something...no offence T.T. yes i agree that sage chi is VERY appealing, and it is very stable...but wizards are built for hitting HARD, we have TERRIBLE deffence. yes, we have more chi to use...but do we have the time to use it? i actually searched up the skills and made tallies…
  • OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!T.T i was beggining to think that my question was too complicated for someone to answer T.T
  • by the way multiple kill spells are the ones that COST you, BADLY but do take damage equal to its price.
  • ops forgot to mention that even though archers are the fastest hitters...please keep in mind that they have to click EVERY SINGLE person per kill (wizards are better for MULTIPLE kills at once)...unless your like a clicking master. past the giant pets of venos that really get on my nerves sometimes (even though i love my…
  • ok and for your actuall answer XD if you want to own in war ...this is kinda a group effort... but heres what I (I not OTHERS, this is JUST and oppinion XD) these are some things i think about each class in wars: clerics:...needless to say they keep you from dieing and hit pretty hard archer: i think this one really shines…
  • well thats all i know, i wanted to split everything up cuz everytime i see SO many words in ONE post...it takes me DAYS battleing my brain and forcing myself to read all of it because someone probably worked hard to post it. i tend to like to stay AWAY from all th statistics and stuff cus those are said everywhere…
  • and finnaly blademaster...i actually don't find many that are really friendly.... but i do have a good blademaster friend on there xD turns out i have the same name as his daughter XD) ok about the same prenciple as barbarians except they look human and their attacks are...kinda pretty looking (barbarians are more burtal…
  • ok next is barbarians (my friend is one and we talk about our characters alot) from what i have learned they are the BEST tankers they can fight monster 6 lvs higher than them. they are strong and are used in partys cuz there thet best tankers the have realy strong attacks and look awsomely dangerous (ok im a girl and i…
  • k clerics, people always say their weak...they are NOT weak iv seen some of them...and O_o. doctors have never been so scary>.<. you don't wanna mess with the people who help revive you when your dead and buff you so you DON"T die. they do have low physical def, but thats what their buffs are for (no they are noth just…
  • Wizards are REALLY fun to play, they have such a diverse range in spells and are the hardest magic hitters. They don't really need repairs (since their a magic user) the are long distance (but second in best to archers) but there raw magic power makes up for that. at a higher lv they are POWERFUL they take some patience to…
  • ok next archer,....THEY ARE AWSOME!! can't tell you how many times an archer saved my butt...and STILL do. they can one hit monsters easily and they barely have to moved from the spot their standing in. just make sure you buiild a strong one. (most points into dex). sure they have poor defence, but thats why their long…
  • ok i mostly agree with loyd, if we venos have a phenix..and you PvP us....unless your ridiculously higher lv than us....byebyeb:bye. But if we don't we're still VERY effieciant in PvE, cuz we're MADE for soloing. but normal pets die in like 3 hits from real people...and if our pets die...and we don't have back up then we…