asishi Arc User


  • *dons sunglasses and trenchcoat, stands around doing nothing* Yeah, pretty much that. That's what heroes do, isn't it? Hmm...
  • FC hyperability doesn't need to be restored. I got 100 without ever once touching a hyper, esoterica, silkworm, without ever running FC for anything but quests. It's not that hard, people just don't want to have to try. All FC hypering gives us is 90% of our playerbase being so ignorant the skilled players have to stop and…
  • This isn't a glitch. The leader has never gotten blood from tabbing. The point of tabs is recruiting assistance easier. The leader doesn't "need" the rewards. It's also not new and not related to the expansion.
  • Changes to list items:* Coin was removed from delta, yes. Since this may be misleading to some: the shrooms still exist, but can't drop money anymore. * As mentioned by some others, autonavigation in WQ is possible up to book 30, but new books have been added which cannot be autonavigated to. * FQs from Monolith V-VIII now…
  • ...lame. But at least not nearly as frustrating as I thought it was. Still, not sure how that makes any sense with sage skills, they're identical to L10, they just have a better proc rate. Oh well. :/ Thanks for the correction guys.
  • Seen it, believe it. Metal zerks now. About time.
  • As a seeker main, I love when bms do this. Please, encourage it. I'd imagine the archers of the game are just as entertained. Most bms I know just avoid marrows in NW and such unless they're in a clear 1v1 situation, relying on their foresight in choosing good elemental ornaments to prevent oneshots from reasonable magic…
  • Sorry, it's all luck, and item level doesn't factor in. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes you get screwed. That's part of any gamble. Just got a nirvy chest to +5 in 38 mirages, then nirvy dual blades to +6 in a straight shot only to fail trying for +7 and spend 600 mirages getting it back to +4. Luck happens. Sometimes you…
  • I'd say you've got the general gist of it, yes. It is worth note that seekers are closer to archers than melee in reality. Even though they use swords and may even aps to proc stances, they're basically a HA tank caster when you get down to it. Also, on a single target you can get better dps out of other skills than…
  • This is a symptom of idiot seekers generally, or seekers with poorly leveled skills. Sadly, most of the seekers I get to deal with are alts of aps classes and are played -horribly-. On another note, I was assuming single-target with maxed skills in the earlier commentary. AoE changes the order significantly, and I have no…
  • I'd say wiz or psychic, and seeker if limited to "phys classes". In the case of seeker, this assumes the use of things like northern sky waltz and heart shatter, but pure skill damage would still exceed sin, bm, and barb for dps.
  • In that case yes, I agree. We're on the same page. Sorry for the confusion there.
  • If I understand what you're saying properly, I have to disagree. Darksbane bosses will drop two of an item (or six for Enlightened) when normally they only drop one (or three). The gem of course isn't doubled, being an additional. With regards to card bosses, you do get double the materials. I killed Stone Brain two days…
  • Agreed, read that post. Some clarification for you though: Because that book is an additional drop, it is unaffected by drop count, times counted, 2x, etc. Additional drop in particular is simple. The "chance of additional drop" is exactly that, nothing modifies it. IF that chance fires, then the drop rate listed next to…
  • It isn't just you. It's affecting massive swaths of players on all the servers. Half my Endless Universe squad disconnected in the middle of the relay yesterday. It's been going on for about three days now. Annoying as hell, lemme tell you.
  • Well, I suppose this mainly depends on if tech points and constellation points are the same thing. Everything I've seen talks about them as separate entities, but it occurs to me that in screenshots I have never seen reference to them separately. Either way, at max level you'll have 64 tech points with a max level…
  • Just an update on the current progress, the new patch released last night messed everything up for me. All icons (minus one) were replaced with yellow question marks for both skills and items (the one remaining was the wrong icon), all characters were missing their faces, left with a black hole with eyeballs, and my map…
  • I've been running on basic Wine 1.4.0 with winetricks, Ubuntu 12.04 as well. It takes some work to get it working properly. You'll want to follow the instructions on WineHQ. Even still, there are issues, such as patcher being prone to crashing and the game itself becoming useless on any major graphical changes. I'd advise…