__Nymph__ - Sanctuary Arc User


  • What do you mean 'something like this'?I asked a question and want to know with details.Saying the game is awesome everything's stable and balanced,you can't get the true information out.The players who have reached endgame or are close to that they obviously have a lot of experience and they know the game and all it's…
  • It's kinda hard to believe that in such a small time period they have opened their eyes and started fixed a lot of bugs and improving gameplay.What about class,skill bugs?Last time i asked they weren't fixed at all.How's the class balance?Are sins and psy's still owning everyone?Cash shop items gotten more expensive?How's…
  • Devs seriously need to start doing something or PW will turn into another Shaiya
  • IH better?Don't make me laugh,blessing of pureheart has a longer channeling time and doesn't stack,thats a good thing.And the wellspring heal don't even get it the pureheart heals so much better because it's "stronger" and channels longer.The great cyclone is pretty much useless,it only slows the target down which allows…
  • People say to max res because they don't want to lose their f*uckin exp.I don't lvl it because i have more important skills to lvl.That skill is useless to us clerics,we can't res ourselves,let them loose their exp as we do.
  • I really like this one,might be better than the last one(not the white one ofc) Don't like the blue on the sides 9/10
  • I think you will get bored with the cleric,because my friend who played barb tried cleric and he got bored because he didn't like to stay afar and just do the healing he wanted some action b:victory CLERIC FTW!
  • Ok first of all what do you want to be?A caster or a werefox?A caster basicly relies on his skills only.A werefox means that you're gonna fight only in werefox(that means you'll be limited to melee combat but don't forget your pet ^^ .There is also a hybrid that fights in both forms.Check both of the guides above this post…
  • Just woke up, go into forums and BANG flashbang in the face!Seriously i don't like this one. It looks generic,plain nothing special about it,the old one was 1k% better
  • Just woke up,went into forum and BANG everything's so bright my eyes hurt.Made me want to go back in the bed. I don't really like white, because many many many web pages has white and it makes it look like a plain nothin special forums.I really liked the old one.b:shocked
  • Cleric eats mp pots as much as a psy does,but cleric doesn't need to buy hp pots since he can heal himself unlike a psy can.On the other hand psy also has a heal spell...and he can finish the mobs before he gets a hit on you...So as Aadi said level them both up to lvl30 and choose =] (Clerics are very needed in game)
  • D/S Thank you for sharing this with us.I think that now sins can be more efficent and not worrying about getting aggro and getting the job done faster b:pleased
  • It didn't work.Trioc runs at first when you start attacking him and after a while it stops maybe you just used TS right before he was going to stop? =/ Tapion came up with the idea because its hard for sins to find a squad that will accept him,i personally think that it's a fun way to do the bh/fb if you can't find a…
  • Hmm you should atleast have one cleric,i dont think a full squad of assassins can kill the boss with surviving,because what if some other sin takes aggro from the "tank" it could end bad b:bye
  • Don't mean to be rude,but there was a similar post long ago..do you mean 'stealth' run as shown in this vid...?me is confused http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uoj81bTLRk
  • Don't level Blessing of the Purehearted it's ****.Keep IronHeart up to date.Wellspring Surge can save your @ss in emergencies unlike IH which will need a bit of time to start healing,it can also save your teammates. Plume shot-keep it up to date Whirlind-level it if you have free spirit Plume Shell-pretty useful skill can…
  • As much as i hate to say it...go mat hunting -sigh- I know how boring it is but still you can get decent money out of it
  • As Aclucius said,when you get your genie lvl him to your lvl,and everytime you lvl,lvl your genie.I did that by using exp,because trust me sp is much more precious than exp imo.When i lvld i also lvld my genie with exp,and i looked how much exp i lost and then i just went to grind to get back that exp,so it won't really…
  • Idk about Twin Strike,but i didn't quite understand what you meant on your last sentence...Assassins use daggers,our phys.dmg comes from dex,dex also gives us accuracy,evasion.So i suppose you have a pure build sin?Meaning 4dex 1str each lvl?Well that is the best build in my opinion,because you'll need 1str each lvl to…
  • Ok so sins weaknesses are that they have low defense and health.So while lvling you'll be using considerably more pots than other classes.BUT it deals good dmg and has high hitting skills right at the beginning.And from my personal experience sin's lvl fast Ok so about the health buy the life powder from apothecary and you…