_Ruxandra_ - Raging Tide Arc User


  • I dont understand you people. why you want bp to be removed or less powerful, is jealous and hate because they solo alone or what exactly bother you at bloodpaint? I just dont get it. I know all you haters re magic classes but what do you magic class win if they remove bloodpaint, lower hate?
  • Not al characters can play without crabs that you make from token or charm because a seeker, cleric, wiz cant stay BB, Vortex or idc the wiz name of that skill....aaaa i forgot to say archer. Put a cleric to stay BB in full Delta without charm or crabs or a seeker that drinks the pots. The seeker is extremely mana user at…
  • Ahhh i understand. Thank you so much for answer so I can only open packs and hope. I seen at so many people HP115 and VIT and i did not know how they have so many. Thank you alot for answer b:kiss
  • If you wanna remove bloodpaint because you are jealous that sin can tank solo, then PWI remove the fist and hf from bm to. Blademaster in his name itself is blade not "fistmaster" Let blademaster just use weapons not fist, how will you like that? I mean how stupid can you be to suggest such a thing? OMG! And if bloodpaint…
  • I don't understand. So many people want those stuff and they won't let us but on Raging Tide i seen i think 50 people a day with mystic eyes and hair and no one ban them. They are all over the server and if it is so "damaging" why they dont ban those people? I dont think have some eyes is a **** like u chance attack or…