can this b done without a dewstar each go?
Thank you for the video Sympathi and thanks for the download link too b:victory
theres no stopping the RT from trolling on our forums and i wasent really barggin just proving a point that it can 69 can be done without HA zzzzzz even 9x im squishy and got low hp
Divine Pyrogram - is a long channel spell with the lowest damage out of all of them (by a hell of alot) i wouldnt susjest lv10 on it save your spirit for the masterys Will of phenoix - is a good quick channel spell with great damage keep it at higher lvs (for pve anf pvp) Sandstorm - its the most popular sill for wizards…
- this was or less my wiz at lv 80 a lower hp (ranging 0-800hp diffrence for avrage wizys nothing to be scared of if your good at your class) but with 8% (10% with leaf dance genie skill)crit your be critting a hell of a lot and the 5k phy deff generly helps agesnt bms and barbs if…