Spell combo

Posts: 47 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Wizard
I looked for thread that had any topics on this I didn't find any but if there any I missed please feel free to point me where I missed those topics.

Well So far in my lvling my Wizard my spell combo has been

Divine Pyrogram>Gush>Pitfall>Pyrogam if the mob is on it own(it normally dies after Pyrogam)

Or if the mobs are a in a bunch I use Zeal genie Lure skill>Gush>Pitfall>Will of Phoenix>Gush

Now I'm a Transcendant I'm kinda overwhelmed with too many new skills plus a few new skills from the other Culti I don't know what ones are important to lvl first and what are not important b:shocked

List of my skills

Stone Barrier Max
Glacial Embrace Max
Divine Pyrogram lvl 9
Gush Max
Pit fall lvl 6
Stone Rain Max
Dragon Breath lvl 4
Will of the Phoenix lvl 2
Sand storm lvl 2
Glacial Snare lvl 1
Force of Will lvl 1
Black Ice Dragon Strike lvl 1
Distance Shrink and Morning dew are both at lvl 4

All the elemental passives are at lvl 3 >_>

From what I know from playing my Wiz I tend to use the hardest heavy hitting spell Divine Pyrogram first and then use the faster casting spells to kill quickly making sure the mob (physical mob) I'm fighting doesn't get a chance to hit me.

I guess I have to put this in just in case.

tl dr: What skills should I be lvling in order of importance and is there any better spell killing combo I listed?
Post edited by Sherufaniru - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I personally dont use divine pyrogram at all unless it is an opener on a metal mob, or if im in pvp and I use it in my sutra combo with my other long channeling skills.

    uhm.. if this is for pve id level your Will of the phoenix and force of will, those 2 skills mixed with distance shrink are your 3 skills for not letting you get hit a lot.

    id also try to keep sandstorm and maybe glacial snare maxed to your level, for water/fire based mobs.

    fire mobs: gush, Glacial snare, hailstorm, gush should kill it before it even touches u

    water mobs: sandstorm, gush to slow(maybe pitfall, i havent leveled my pitfall much), stone rain and mob should be dead/near death.

    id aslo try to max distance shrink as well and keep ultis at lvl 1, i know its tempting to level up but in pve they dont do much until they are leveled. instead of using spirit/coins on blade tempest, black ice dragon, mountain sieze, id max your masteries instead.

    *all of this is my personal opinion, not facts* >:o
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    Stone Barrier Max
    Glacial Embrace Max
    Divine Pyrogram lvl 9
    Gush Max
    Pit fall lvl 6
    Stone Rain Max
    Dragon Breath lvl 4
    Will of the Phoenix lvl 2
    Sand storm lvl 2
    Glacial Snare lvl 1
    Force of Will lvl 1
    Black Ice Dragon Strike lvl 1
    Distance Shrink and Morning dew are both at lvl 4

    All the elemental passives are at lvl 3 >_>

    Divine Pyrogram - is a long channel spell with the lowest damage out of all of them (by a hell of alot) i wouldnt susjest lv10 on it save your spirit for the masterys

    Will of phenoix - is a good quick channel spell with great damage keep it at higher lvs (for pve anf pvp)

    Sandstorm - its the most popular sill for wizards to use in pve (lv 10- 50% accuracy reduction) it hits hard and is the quickets to cast out of the longer channeling spells

    Pitfall - is a good quick hitter for finising off mobs, but not really worth lving d.o.t skills are ok but wizzys are about spike damage not dps

    Dragons Breath - is a good skill if you plann on zhenning, FC, Gammas ect. ive always tried to keep mine at max lv (sage DB ftw, fun to use in TW)

    Glacial Snare - its a good skill, again its a hard hitter with long channel a good one to use ast first hit the 80% speed reduction is great (e.g snare - pryogram - gush - sandstorm)

    Distance Shrink - i dont use it much in pve unless i take aggro in FC (getting pilled by 1000000 billion mobs isnt fun) its a good skill to lv if your gonna pvp

    Pryogram and gush my 2 best skills (i got both on sage) they both are fast gush has a good slow for mobs and pryogram is a good hitter and a quick cast

    Stone Rain - (again i have the sage version of this skill and im in love with it lol) this is one of the best skills wizzys have ints not too fast and not too slow to cast and dose a good amount of damage - if you plan on going sage (all wizzys should) this will be the best skill ever

    Stone Barrier - +phy deff? nuff said, a buff you should have on 200% of the time

    Glacial Embrace - this skill is meh, lv10 is 100% water deff not really needed were a robe class but the 10 mp is ok if your running low on pots or dont wanna tick youre charm and the same goes for the pryoshell

    Froce Of Will - this is another brillent skill usefull in pvp and pve

    Morning Dew - is the best instant heal, higher than any clerics, but its long **** channel makes it suck big time, i only use it with surta (if im in big toubble) or just after i killled mobs

    Ok now for the ulties, everyone has mixed opions about these;

    Black Ice Dragon - hardest hitting skill in the game (not inclind an 40k hp barb with arma -.-) its a beast of a skill and one hits almost everything in pvp a good skill to lv but i dont use it much in pve unless im trying to hit high on a boss (115k hit ftw =D no amps)

    Blade Tempest - one of the most feared skill for all of the robe and LA users the damage is low on the skill but it hits fire and phy (think of it as dubble damage)

    Mountin Seige a good skill for pvp the stun is very helpfull if you combo it in a surta
    but its the longest channeling move so its pretty useless unless you hit them with it first bot as hard as BID but the stuns makes up for it

    Oh and as for your masteryes, i would susjest lving the mastery you use the most

    and finaly a cupple combos you can use for pve that i did;

    Snare - pryogram - gush - sandstorm

    Sandstorm - silent explosion - snare -pryogram

    and remember your ele diffrances try to change your skills by the element mob (untill you get undie at 79 then fire away)
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Divine Pyrogram - is a long channel spell with the lowest damage out of all of them (by a hell of alot) i wouldnt susjest lv10 on it save your spirit for the masterys
    Huh? Ever heard of Essential Sutra? That's the BEST spell to use in sutra due to insanely low cooldown, good damage ("hell of a lot?" it's just some constant damage, weapon add is the same), and fast casting (not channeling).
    and remember your ele diffrances try to change your skills by the element mob (untill you get undie at 79 then fire away)
    Undine is inefficient. By the time you cast it, an extra Gush would deal more damage total than the few hits you get in with a bit increase in damage. It is, however, insanely useful on high-magic resistance targets. For increased magic resistance mobs, it almost doubles your damage.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Personally, I found the information in the Wizard Sticky threads to be very helpful. In summary, and with kudos to the Sticky authors, the recommended skills are:

    PRIMARY - level to max as they are available -

    Stone Rain
    Distance Shrink
    Essential Sutra

    SECONDARY - Level up when you can but not at the expense of a Primary Skill -

    Morning Dew
    Dragon's Breath
    Blade Tempest
    Black Ice Dragon Strike

    TERTIARY - Consider for any Spare SP but not at the expense of the PRI and SEC -

    Glacial Embrace
    Stone Barrier
    Frost Blade
    Manifest Virtue
    Mountain's Sieze

    OPTIONAL - If you have spare SP and you think you need -

    Wellspring Quaff
    Glacial Snare (sp)
    Will of the Phoenix
    Force of Will
    Sporific Whisper


    All Masters
    Undine Strike

    If a skill isn't listed, leave it at 1. For example, Divine Pyrogram is a long channel and cast, so I left it at level 1 as it's a bit moot for PvP. Long Channel and Long Cast = dead Wizzy.

    The above is primarily for a PvP build, full Arcane Wizard. No idea if it's any good PvE
  • Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    TERTIARY - Consider for any Spare SP but not at the expense of the PRI and SEC -

    Stone Barrier

    Manifest Virtue

    OK just wanna say (btw not having a go at you just who wrote the sticky) Stone Barrier for pvp and pve is an absolute priority. Wizards pdef = **** and LA let alot AA, the lv 10 100% extra pdef boost is and total must.

    A Manifest Virtue is 100 skill, so ignore it and
    B complete and utter excrement, its worse than a regular 2 spark once you do the math

    If you gonna waste 20 chrono pages and 10 medium inks (prolly about 40 mil atm at Sanc) then go for elemental invocation, which actually has some use in pvp and also pve.

    Back to your question, most problems can be solved with the first 3 skills ,Pyrogram, Stone Rain and Gush. Along with DS Phoenix and Force of will they do for most things at pve.

    Sandstorm, D Pyro and G Snare are nice dmg skills but my god are they slow to cast, use as first attack or as part of essential sutra only.

    Best thing to do is find a combo that works for u and point shoot repeat.

    As for shields only Stone Barrier is a priority unless you know your gonna be taking fire / water mobs later, after Stone Barrier start raising Glacial Embrace next.

    As for nukes BT, BIDS and MS in that order. But really if you needing these for pve you need to work on your combo more.

    Have fun and accept death and a natural part of a wizards life :)

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Huh? Ever heard of Essential Sutra? That's the BEST spell to use in sutra due to insanely low cooldown, good damage ("hell of a lot?" it's just some constant damage, weapon add is the same), and fast casting (not channeling).

    Sutra good, but cooldown time dont mean a thing if u dont have ur 3 sparks yet. low level with 2 sparks, cooldown might be quick, bit chi, not so quick to gather, unless you use pots or genie skill, IJS
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Personally, I found the information in the Wizard Sticky threads to be very helpful. In summary, and with kudos to the Sticky authors, the recommended skills are:

    I will agree with your primary skill list and most of your secondary skill list -- those are good skills. But I would hold off on getting your level 59 skills much past level 1 until later. You will eventually want them, but they are expensive and the situations where they are useful are rare.

    I would also put Stone Barrier in the primary list or at the top of the secondary list.

    I would also put a lot of priority on your "optional" skills. Every single one of those skills have been more useful to me than my ultimates.

    Force of Will: Essential for PvP and handy when fighting elite monsters.

    Will of the Phoenix: Essential for grinding safety, and sometimes convenient in PvP.

    Wellspring Quaff: you have to get level 5 before you can get Essential Sutra.

    Glacial Snare: one of the best spells for opening combat in most PvE (follow with pyrogram OR a chance to freeze skill and then gush for best effect).

    Soporific Whisper: this can give you time to channel a slow spell, and will interrupt -- very useful in PvP and has situational use in PvE.

    And spells not listed? Other people have already pointed out that Divine Pyrogram is made for use with Essential Sutra. If you use essential sutra without divine pyrogram you hopefully have put enough thought into your build that this kind of guide would be useless to you. It can also be a decent opener against metal monsters (and use will of the phoenix when they get too close). And Morning Dew can save your squad and your neck, if you have leveled it and know how to be using it. And...

    Anyways, that primary skill list is an ok starting spot, but every skill has a use, and until you know that use you have no business telling people when not to be using it.


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