Please tell me what u think...

Posts: 94 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Wizard
...of this:

It s what i thought would be the best for a lvl 80 pvp wiz, but i think some of you might be able to give more advice/changes on this.

The cape is something i can't take from Leg or TT equip, and it s somethign i don't have yet, but mainly an idea of what i want (HP or vit).
I cant decide if it would be better to use these Leg rings, or if it would be better to get 2 -chan rings, giving me a total of -12 chan, instead of -6.
Another thing i cant really decide about is if i should sacrifice some magic into vitality, giving me 300-500 more HP...

Please leave ur comments after the beep ^.^
If you've been bad, Lord I bet you have
And you've not been hit by flying lead
You'd better close your eyes and bow your head
And wait for the ricochet.
Post edited by Cavalieri - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    there is only one kind of PvP wiz.
    lvl 100.
    anything else is bullcrap and a waste of time.

    That's not a bad wiz for 80, but at that lvl that gear won't help you do squat.
    If that would have been a wizard in the top 50 chars on a new server, than yeah, that would be a nice build. Otherwise, totally useless.
  • Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    PvP is about spike dmg, wizzys are build for spike dmg. Crit's are spike dmg. 6%channel means NOTHING in PvP (seriusly, nothing)
    Yaksa (crit TTsword) instead of endless.
    Roll call rings for uber 4% extra crit.

    The belt/neck are meh. There is alot better stuf on AH for alot less money. At 87 get sky demon's pearl. It's the best till neck of giant str.

    Results: about 400 less max dmg, in PvP almost nothing. 6 times your old crit rate (6 instead of 1). That does EVERYTHING.
    And 216 extra phys def, with stone shield 430, which is extra 2% dmg reduction.

    Problems: The roll call rings cost 4 months of playing. With lvling of today, it'll probably take you less than 1 month to get to 80. In this case, use 1 lvl 50 roll call ring. 2%crit is alot more importent than 100 extra base dmg

    Other notes: Refining mag rings is worthles. Nothing but worthless. The +3 in each rings costs what, 1mil coins? The total extra mag def is 120. That is neglecteble on 6k (it won't raise your reduction by 1bit, it's just a waste of money).
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    Alot of the basic items i am using here are actually things i had after countless hours waiting at AH(in my LA days)
    I was surprised at the goodies i could find(especially the hat)
    I sacrificed a few HP and some magic att for a 4% phys reduction and a 6% crit.(maybe even giving DEX 15 for one more % in crit, who knows)

    Anywho this was quickly put together, it also made me pine a little for my LA days when my crit was over 12%.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    a wiz wearing tauran cape? thats brilliant imo
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    this was or less my wiz at lv 80
    a lower hp (ranging 0-800hp diffrence for avrage wizys nothing to be scared of if your good at your class) but with 8% (10% with leaf dance genie skill)crit your be critting a hell of a lot and the 5k phy deff generly helps agesnt bms and barbs if you cant 2-3 shot them

    However i do agree with MasterShi, a lv 80 wizy honestly cant do squat to most people 90+

    and i defently would susjest caooing your wizzy at 90, 95 or 100 (speaking of pvp and TW that is, pve is a waste of time zzzzzzz)

    here this is my wiz (once i FINALY hit 95), ive been robe crit since i started, and anyone els i would susjest this build not too expensive but a good cser is required:

    i uss the TT90 gold boots and wrists for the +10 magic they give
    the glave is hella expensive for wat it is so useing any other +crit is good altho the Innocent Reverie sucks, fall back on the good old wheel of denied fate wice will lower you to 11% crit but still a great amount for a wizzyb:victory
  • Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Just remembert.
    Best belt you can get at lvl 80: OHT phys def belt, sundown pandant (and it's free)
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I ve change a lot and this is the build i have in mind now:

    Gonna get the attendance ring in a few days, got the other crit ring from AH, the tome is supposed to be an xmas blessing and i changed the weapon to up crit a bit more. Wondering if people still have suggestions on this to change certain parts.

    And to answer to the people that told me i cant do anything against 90+ people... i know :D I mainly started this to kinda extend the range of people i can have fun with in pk, since the only other char i pk with is 101...
    If you've been bad, Lord I bet you have
    And you've not been hit by flying lead
    You'd better close your eyes and bow your head
    And wait for the ricochet.
  • Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    kenlee wrote: »
    a wiz wearing tauran cape? thats brilliant imo

    its not that bad, really some mp recovery until you can get a wing trophy (ZOMG $$$$) or a Elite Leather Cape

    and not everything is a physical attack.. think of tempest :o

    edit: BOUND lvl80 gear is ... hmm dumb?
    you cant sell it and once you are 90 the green gear is superiour

    why not get the wizzie to 9x?

    this class starts at 90 imo...

    look at your def and hp.. 4socket gear+4 and still a 1shot

    here 90 gear, not any special, without socket stone usage = cheaper

    (alternatively i would look for Oht sleeves and 3star boots or gold90boots.., but this is just a common example :3)
    i like potato


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