Zarrathustra - Harshlands Arc User


  • The rules in place on the present PVP servers do not encourage PVP play. In fact they do everything to discourage it. So the idea that they are suddenly going to open up a new PVP server seems like a non-starter to me.
  • I think the entire system is in desperate need of seem serious revision. Isn't part of the problem the system itself ? Doesn't the guild controlling all these territories know a week in advance who is going to attack it and where ? Naturally they will prepare accordingly. Any revision would have to start with doing away…
  • Too bad you couldn't have a healing macro for party members no ? I guess the best you can do is hotkey 1,2,3,4, according to how many members our in the party and then hit heal icon accordingly. The macros in this game seem really limited. As a Cleric I want to be able to heal party members fast. One push of a button…