YumYumNoodle - Harshlands Arc User


  • hummmm.. i wonder what ever happen to that barb from KD who was in the SS..... HeroLc ..b:question
  • okie okie.. this is turning into troll.. so u all stop it.. and for Taboo , go do some Dishes or something. don't troll my thread. Dont be part of the problem.... all i understand so far is, i asked question about KD rpking and changed into totally different thing... U can just answer in Simple way e.g " We, as Officers of…
  • all i am saying is, if u RPK, just say so.. that aint nothing wrong with that... what is wrong is hiding behind so called " Non-RPK" tag and some of ur member trying to test out their dmg on lowbies caz maybe they cant deal with real PK.. either case....come out of the Closet... oh I aint Kyling member and know anyone in…
  • lol yea.... messed up.. but got it fixed..
  • WTB Bot progz.. pm me plz......or Trade with my Noodle...Also wtb 90+ account like someone who did from Kingdom, ( what his name again... ) Haaaa.... Nova_ ... How much was it again..? 3 G or something..? ..b:thanks