Xchandra - Heavens Tear Arc User



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  • depends on the build for pure fox. our dmg is more dependant on our wep. if we focus more on str our dmg will be much lower than a fox who decides to be 1 or 2 lvls lower in armor and get wep for their lvl. smart fox venos will look for armor with stat requirement reductions. on the my-en forums it has been proven that a…
  • There is a very big misconception on heavy armor venos. Do heavy armor veno casters exsist? Are they gimped like the mod considers them gimped? http://forum.perfectworld.com.my/viewtopic.php?t=10212 here is one heavy caster build. focusing mostly on int and enough str and agi to use lower tier heavy armor. then here is…
  • the difference in between the crystalline and volcanic is utterly minimal. like maybe 4 to 5 point difference on each stat meaning you will NOT see a noticable difference in between the 2. the volcanic does however, get a.1 increase in speed . also the volcanic does have 1 more skill you would love to have on your golem.…
  • if you follow that youll eventually end up using weaker light armor at the end. if you look at the requirments of your armor youll see the dex and str are the same amounts. Adding more str = not having enough dex to use the armor. for accessories. im guessing you may want to opt for p resitance. however ill admit i know…
  • if your someone who needs to get the best equipment for your lvl then learn how to use the auction house (its utterly simple) and rake up enough coins to purchase the Best wep you can afford. at lvl 43 i guess that means youll need the wheel of fate. and because such legendary wep does have a sweet -3 channeling its very…
  • np. also getting caught in between a few mobs is the norm as you lvl. youll then become more aware of your surroundins and what to do. when you hit 30 you will be able to fly with your mount prompting ya some good escapes. still i would advise you work on knowing the mobs. once bumping into a mix group of mobs youll learn…
  • While bramble guard only lasts 10 min, shifting out every now and then doesnt hurt. Now i normally do it in condenced mob areas where i want to take more than 1 mob at a time. Now this is a blessing when you have run away mobs running into melee mobs. it also returns more dmg that what your hit for (im wondering how its…
  • the sp will suffer the same from lvl 30 and on. so here is where your going to have to choose the skills that matter most. sould transfusion is only 1 lvl so when you get it your good. befudding hexmist is a primary due to the acc debuff . work on fox whallop when you can. yes your pet heal is a primary. you dont need to…
  • Sadly for me i got used to my golem and love it to death. even at my lvl i do end up in areas with caster mobs and melee. but i learned how to deal with the enviorment and the mobs. Venos are the best pullers so i know how to use my pet. when i do engage a caster mob and it causes others to aggro i simply just stow my pet…
  • hold shift down and you can target things. one thing not mentioned about the cub is the fact that it has utterly high hp meaning it can take a beating longer. now there are a few other contenders out there. http://ecatomb.net/petstat.php here are some and what their stats will look like at lvl 90. you can see how bad it is…
  • well you have 2 solutions to your con problem. 1 : remake your char. lvl 18 is easly obtainable. also you can finance your new char with whatever wealth you have obtained making the lvling process faster. 2: spend 600k to buy restating tokens (they 3 gold each ingame, not properly priced on the website) youll need 2 of the…
  • hehe i think there is another topic about the kowlen for pvp. well it goes like this. Once opon a time territory wars did not allow flying pets and flight thus the Kowlen was revered for being a fast dps pet to get those pesky evil players quickly. Now flying was intergrated into pw. (we got it off the bat i think) so in…
  • Str does contribue to your dmg , however a better wep will add much more. what this means if a veno goes full str with a bit of mag to use a low lvl magic wep, they will have much less dmg than a veno that opts to get the strongest wep aval to them while getting decent heavy armor. reason: our melee mastery gives us a…
  • it means you should always have 4 points more on str and dex than your lvl. example if your lvl 20 you should have 24 str , 24 dex. every lvl should be 1 dex 1 str . 3 mag. if you are going the light armor build con may be out of the question due to the amount of points needed to wear light armor. you need about 2.5 to 3…
  • Your the one who comes up and claims fox cannot compete lvling quickly. Your the one trying to make a claim that they cannot when you have never lvling up to high lvls to prove it. Your just hurt since you didnt even know what skills can be used in fox form at your lvl so you have to quickly retort at me by missing 1…
  • 5 str, 1 dex and 4 mag is basicly what im aimed for. i mostly use my golem as a pet due to its high dmg and high mana regen. i also am starting to add skills to it. bramble is a nice help when taking on more than 1 mob. As i mentioned before beffuding mist is great for more than 1 mob due to its accuracy debuff on the…
  • hey this sounds interesting. id like to know which wep gains the most phisical attack (magic weps)
  • now i have the stats to wear lvl 6 armor with min requierments since im working on getting my int up for the tt60 wep. but once you get leech youll see how it works. you prob already have the lvl 2 fox form. if you have your current heavy armor you will have more if not the same armor as your pet magmite. when fighting…
  • she can de equip her axes to use magic. there is also a lowe lvl quest wep that requires 6 dex and 6 str and is a magic wep. the wep alone will increase her magic up quite a bit. it seems her strat me be engaging mobs 1 by 1, since in between the dmg of the pet and the axe dmg, she should be able to down mobs very quickly.…
  • there my point has been validaded obsessed. some people do not understand everything like others will. better making it universal and player friendly by just explaining how much skill points are to be allocated per each lvl than do somthing more complex. you may understand it, i may understand it , but that doesnt mean…
  • if your looking for an all in one pet., you do have it. personally i do prefer to have a pet for every given situation, but then thats me. now your pet is not the problem , any pet can hold aggro well, it depends on the skills you purchase for your pet and maxing em out. bash lvl 1 only does so much, upgrading it will…
  • well it kinda does but your missing out the heavy veno fox build. there are different variants. but basicly it requires enough str n dex to use the best heavy armor, the rest in con or mag depending the build. the build can do much more melee dmg than the light build and offers much more protection. the heavy builds do…
  • before trying to give advice. look at what server the op is in. what works in pve servers isnt always the ideal solution for a pvp server.
  • this guide is confusing to new players. many do get confused to the lvl+4 ect. for heavy armor you need 2.5 str and .5 dex per lvl(basicly every 2 lvls 5 str 1 dex). for light armor its 1 dex and 1 str per lvl. for arcane im not quite sure but you need 2 mag and .5 str a lvl (4 mag and 1 str every 2 lvls.)[keep in mind im…
  • i would advise you read this faq from the pw, my-en forums http://forum.perfectworld.com.my/viewtopic.php?t=5657 you will need to subscribe to the fourms (same process as subing to these forums) on that faq it goes into full detail of the venomancer (warefox) also it sports some of the common builds. i prefer to reaserch…
  • prob need to dig my nose deeper into those forums.b:laugh
  • well Now your trolling b:chuckle After reading your post you just proved to me you know NOTHING about fox form. NOTHING. you proved to everyone you didnt even try the build. cuz you got bored. one thing metbolic boost and the mp equivalent are what cast every 303 sec. situational may i say. i can get out of my fox n cast…
  • your forgetting about the other aoe attack we have that costs no sparks and lowers enemy acc. You mentioned no pots but the need of a charm. Your claim is totally situational, what if a mob spawns on you. will your ranged pet make it in due time? of yourse no pots but i d bet your hp char will save ya. maybe i should get…
  • bleh a fox build done right lvls just as fast if not faster than a caster build. ive been doing it and now im lvl 47, i kill mobs just as fast as caster venos, and i actually can take a few mobs on at a time and no need to use pots. i dont have to run if a mob spawns on me like all the casters have to. i dont die in 3…
  • as for dinnys build, its quite unique. and to be frank i think it hasnt been done. going full str and using dual axes. it does sound bad on paper, however since were on a pve server it will work. but as it seems, its more auto attack and send pet. donno Dinny needs to clarify a few more things, like if she did add a bit of…
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