Xaro$ - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Saying Milyen is a good leader sure i can respect that as everyone is entitled to their opinions but saying he respects all of you? Is that some sort of sick joke? Sure i understand that only the bad parts of nef make there way to the pwi forums but these are still actions your leader has done in the past. Honestly you are…
  • good choices- Love that korn song and atm it seems fitting
  • hmm put some thought into legendarys songs the 3 i came up with are Pink Floyd- shine on you crazy diamond Ludacris- Move B!$&H get out the way Marilyn Manson- Fight song
  • Enly always seems to be nefs first target when they pick land so it seemed appropiate b:surrenderb:victory
  • Name: Call me whatever if i dont answer just means i dont wanna talk to you Class: No thanks i rather have recess or lunch Lvl: im about 6' foot in humanoid and in cat form alot shorter Reason: i was just hopeing that cool kittys got catnip maybe plz? or maybe some puppies! that would be deliciously scrummy! Side note: if…
  • I understand what you are trying to say but using renegades as an example is not very accurate considering we are not your typical faction. We are not military like in any way, shape, or form. We are a family oriented faction who does TW for fun and thats about it. Win or lose its all about having fun. Btw renegades doesnt…
  • I wonder myself if Nef would do the honorable thing and disband the faction once they manage to paint the entire map red. When i heard that a faction did this on LC server i was like wow thats very honorable. Nef did work for what they gained and they deserve the credit they have. Im not saying they are going to beat reg…
  • Ishmah that is an excellent reply, definitely made me laugh b:laugh
  • Win or lose it doesn't matter Renegades are in it for the fun, we are a family based faction. We are not here to boost our egos. Honestly your post is disrespectful against RR as well. Seems like someone needs to go back to preschool and learn their manners. There is no point in showing disrespect to another faction except…
  • Yea sheesh whats wrong with you saruyna you better be exact on your times as others want their egos fed more than it is already, pretty obvious why this person joined nef. Anyways R3N3G4D3S beat Legendary in 47 minutes 32 seconds and a few milliseconds b:laugh but none of us care we just appreciate you doing the battle…
  • Yea being in catapult squads many times with temp i think i had 18k or so hp at the time and he was around 28k or so i could just imagine his charm costs. He was using nearly double what i was using during those major TW's thats the price for being an awesome meatshield if i remember correctly he used something around 3…
  • Heya yng i need help with TT99 plate got any spare illusion stones? hehe jk All jokes aside this is a good idea and very kind of you if you ever need any extra help throw me a pm ill be glad to help tank a boss or two b:pleased
  • Thanks Makina and Sarah the faction really worked their butts off this week and worked very well together, Good fight legendary thanks for the fun battle we were looking forward to fighting you guys after some of the other factions we've been facing. Too bad the big red machine probably take our land next week but we will…
  • Wow, thats cool though at least they sent you your last pay. They withheld mine from me (im sure Milyen had something to do with it) honestly though I didnt even care about the pay which is what Nefarious is to most people now is just a paycheck. The mail he sent to you pretty much proves that, among his threats to people…
  • Well this can be taken several ways, i do understand why people stay in Nef although they disagree with the leadership. Some have very strong knit friendships there and i do admit i really miss my friends in Nef b:sadb:cute but at one time Nef dealt with problems instead of dictated them and it was a proud place to be…
  • TPSTAR wrote: 3. As for uproar or the claim of the victim, did we start this thread? or did we start the QQ here? Hey TPSTAR this was the post i was referring too, maybe i have taken it wrong but i have also re read the post. Maybe im at fault for my accusations if so im sorry, but im sure how you can see how I took it…
  • Sorry ScarletSin i misread, it was actually TPSTAR that made that post claiming i was a victim of Nefarious or at least that is how it was worded. I didnt post since the first post so i had to go through many, my mistake b:surrender
  • Hades' helper was Charos, the angel of dead. Charos had the duty to transfer the dead people 's souls with a boat over the River Acheron from the world of the living to the world of the dead. This is where the origin of my name came from, i believe the way i use it is the english spelling of the name im not quite sure but…
  • They might or they might not. as i stated i was in nef for a long period of time. I dont know if they did, but if they did it was definitely kept secretive amongst nef players. I just havent seen any proof, im not saying i doubt they have or havent but i havent seen any vaild information proving that they have.
  • What does my age have to do with anything? Once you post you have no control as to who posts, how they post, or what they post. Thats milyens job on Nef forums b:chuckle Btw i didnt want to sound mean is why i gave my explanation, your a good person and i did not want to sound like your enemy b:byeb:cute
  • To Tanzzie: I made this thread as a Nefarious discussion not a thread dedicated to QQ which you have stated. I dont post often i do read these posts though and honestly i think most of the people have stuck to keeping it a discussion instead of QQ. I mean there are a few exceptions but its not alot we can do about them. To…
  • Hi WINTER i understand that your sick of people complaining about nef and thats understandable because your proud of being in the faction which i do respect. At the same time though its not fair to tell people not to post their thoughts and opinions about nefarious. We as people have opinions some are good and valid and…
  • Thanks for your views and opinions yng, im glad this thread has not turned into flames or such yet as we've seen from others. very respectful and you've made some valid points. As i stated yea some of those views were just from current nef members that i talk to regularly I dont know how much truth there is to them so I…