X_Wyatt_X - Lost City Arc User


  • Once you get to a certain level some of your skills require you to use chi or spark to cast.. One of you spiritual cultivation quests unlocks this. As you attk mobs your chi bar fills up.. when it is full it is converted to a spark emptying the chi bar so it can be filled again. Once you reach a certain lvl some skills…
  • As i'm flying around on my cleric.. or even just grinding in an area.. any person that comes near me gets buffed. all my buffs are maxed (except CGS) which i'm working on. Also my rez is maxed for my lvl. I wouldn't consider charging someone for a rez but I do get upset when i do rez someone and don't get so much as a…
  • I play a cleric and Pre lvl 30 i found i was spending ALOT of money on mp potions. But at lvl 30 i was able to use the mp potions that i made myself.. my advice is get apocathary to lvl 2 and make focus powder and jade powder. My mana maintainance has become very easy and best of all FREE. when your not grinding just fly…