This is the link to see some of my characters
She said she hasn't done anything to it so I don't know what's wrong. I guess I'll have to wait for the next patch update. When is that btw.
It hasn't been missed with that I know I can ask my moms friend if she's done something to it
That's the prob. I don't have Norton anymore I switched to Trend and P.W has been working fine untill a few days ago
I haven't done anything cause it used to work fine up untill now and I get the same result when I verifiy. Everytime I put my user name and pw in and click confirm it goes straight to saying "Unable to connect to server" or something like that.
I did like three times and it says "Unable to log into server" or something like that when I try to log on.
I tried that and it didn't work. I still can't log onto the servers.
I'm also having trouble I haven't been able to get on Lost City server since yesterday I want to know why. Everytime I try to log on it says "Unable to connect to server."