XLaraCroftx - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I demand moar pretty EG fliers soon! I hate the way centipede looks but it's the fastest one out (aside from the super rare Terra's Embrace). b:cry Also I do really like the new Elf wings. Makes me sad I don't care to play my cleric anymore. :/
  • Ah you're probably right... I don't think I've ever seen a seeker do pulls prior to 90s. Hmm. Anyhow, thank you for the advice, I may have to do that. :)
  • Lol I love this thread so freaking much! I only wish I could contribute with more sexy EG shots, but sadly all my toons are female. b:sad Have to admit though, I make my girls look great without going over the top. Might be cuz I'm a girl though hahaa... All your Mystics are very hot though! ;) I especially liked Typhyse's…
  • I'm a chick, but I think 8 is beautiful. Love that hairstyle sooo much. She's super cute too haha.
  • Exactly... Aside from that, real Christians are not going to run around judging everyone as it's taught very clearly it's no ones' place to judge except God's. That's the main fault of many Christians, because some of them become so enveloped in their beliefs and community they start to believe everyone else has to be the…
  • Just had to pipe in and say a great many thanks to Warren for his guides on merchanting. Buying gold with coin no matter the price and selling items from the cash shop is no harder than it probably was back when gold was 100k. You buy gold, sell for a little higher of whatever hot item happens to be out at the time and you…
  • Lol really? that's pretty sad... I come from a Catholic family (even though I don't currently follow...) so I know about the faith a little bit. I can say that there's nothing that says you're not allowed to enjoy different activities lol. Perhaps anything in excess is bad of course but that should be obvious. Anyway in…
  • And I care about your opinion why? lol. I've loved TR since 1998, and nothin will change that. :P Well those people always have a choice to show up or not. I can't say for sure if a game is really the right place to try and convert people lol... but to each their own. I think it'd be rude of you to walk in and argue with…
  • Have you tried updating the game? that's the only thing I can think of, sorry. :( It could be that, or you may need to reinstall if some of the files ended up corrupted for some reason or another.
  • I wouldn't think it would be bannable, and why should it be? People are entitled to freedom of speech even if it is only in a game. If they were talking about something else controversial, I hardly think anyone would have as big a problem with it lol. Things that come to mind are sexual practices, politics, and so on. No…