WyldeCleric - Harshlands Arc User


  • Taar..We had our share of ups and downs ..but through it all you were and are an amazing person..I sincerly wish you get eveything you desire out of life. Take Care of yourself and you will be missed. Thank You for our Memoris I will treasure them always.b:bye
  • Fine Taboo if that's the case then so be it but Why does everyone else have to listen to it constantly?
  • Taboo all I'm saying is what Faction is perfect?..What Faction doesn't have a few members who make the whole faction look bad? I'm glad I don't have to listen to ANY factions QQing about Losing in TW cuz only this many showed, or cuz they didn't have catas, or no barbs...or thier panties got twisted and they were…
  • Me Kissing Evokes ****?!?!? Pahleeze..No way in hell...Just simply stating what I know as fact about Taarloor and how hard he's worked...Thanks for the b:chuckle Taboo...So glad I play on a private server now instead of harshlands..the QQing is really out of control from what I hear...b:bye
  • and I like Magenta
  • Ok I honestly do not believe what I am about to type but here goes.... I have known Taarloor for a long time, Granted we are now enemies but that's whatever. I was there the day He started to play PWI. He worked his **** off evreyday learning his class and lvling hard.He used to talk about that he couldn't wait to begin to…
  • Well Taarloor all bsing and hating aside...You finally achieved what you had set out to do when you first started. Own a piece of the map. Congratulations! Job well doneb:victory
  • I wish you all the best. Ihave tasted your arrows more than I care to remember.I hope you get your circumstances get settled soon and come back to the game. Until then Do take care and be well b:byeb:pleasedb:flowerb:chuckle
  • The first part of my name Wylde is the name of one of my top 3 guitarists..Zakk Wylde...the Cleric is self explanitary..b:chuckleb:victoryb:byeb:pleased
  • Non RPK...lmfao..Stick with that story long enough you might begin to believe it yourselfb:byeb:bye
  • Thank You Wreck for the info and it worked...b:pleasedb:victoryb:bye
  • Hi Lustcaster..I will be sending you some ingame mail today..See You Soonb:pleased
  • GUILD NAME: SmartAzz LEADER: xPENETRATORx WEBSITE/FORUMS: www.smartazz.forummotion.net EXTRA INFO: looking for active,fun and helpful players lvl 30+. We are new but already have some nice lvls and alot of fun ppl.We have a very active Faction Chat all the time. We are an RPK Faction (but not required).
  • Hey Divad I know what you are talking about.....RP factions are out there...might have an easier time finding one on a PvE server but try world chatting it but make sure you are clear that your looking for a Role Playing Faction or you will get responses for RPK. Good Luck!
  • Ascii You will be greatly missed. Your rage quits are legendary and are likely never to be surpassed. Good Luck on New Server! b:byeb:bye
  • First of..Any Cleric worth anything knows Barbs and BM's have the Kamikazee attitude. They rush in and figure everyone is ready. Also they know it is very possible for Wizzies to Steal Aggro..it's just how it is. Bh 29 I can't see how the Cleric would be confused it is was a case of Aggro swapping then go to Chromatic Heal…
  • Ok Thanks for your reply b:pleasedb:victory
  • I can remember when I was lower lvl'd (30's or so on my BM) seeing red text come up saying The Wraiths have been spotted near..(where ever) and teleporting as quick as you could to get there Why? Simple....PvP! You would see ppl like RedBetty,Brendle and many who post on forums...just PvPing anyone and everyone for as long…
  • I never said I was a Dex Cleric..I said I have a little Dex. It works for what I need to do. Your the example of what happens when I turn of my computer b:bye
  • Legendadry.....I do just that....I play my Cleric as I choose to but I always listen to higher lvl'd people...and take what they say into concideration..sometimes I change my mind and sometimes I don't. A closed mind is an empty mind imo. Haterade can be bitter but also sweet at times... Alot hate me on HL but that's ok…
  • Dark I don't believe I ever said I fully know my class. I belive I said I know my class fairly well. I just turned 80 and have alot to learn yet....I know this and look forward to it.I do try to do whatever I can to have a decent Cleric, as stated before.I do like having a bit of dex for range because of what Pen and I do.…
  • Whatever Arma you have your version of what happened..And those of us that were there know what we were told..Oh and as for you PT for TW...No one ever saw any of these mysterious pots you spoke of....wonder where they went?.. Have fun selling out Evoke, as you eventually will...Again.
  • I have TT 80 Gold ( all except bracers). I like the added speed from the boots as well as the added -channeling stat, as well as the auto binding feature. The resist stats are equal it's the add ons, that made the difference for me.. So whatever you decide check the differences in the add on stats then decide.b:pleasedb:bye
  • I am an Arcane build ( mostly) I do have a bit of a different build... Currently my stats are: Vit 60..Str 54 ( I belive) Dex about 20 and Mag is 309. I have a little over 7k MP and between 3500-3700 HP.I capped my Vit off once it reached 60 and my str, dex are also capped so now everything goes into Mag.I didn't like…
  • I too was question Sage or Demon....I read so many threads,watched Videos,talked to high lvl Clerics, read forums on the skillz. I had decided I was going Sage for the TW skillz. Now after reasding this thread I'm no longer so sure. Especially after reading about the Sage Spirit Gift not restoring target's Mp. My Husband…
  • OMFG!!!!! Are you serious??? You can't be....I was there in GG when you sold us out ( not on this toon but my former Main). Do Not try to place Blame on Rai or on Tim....You truly are a piece of work. The last TW GG had, You set up and gave the TW plan to other Faction, and you didn't even bother to show up for TW. You…
  • and your still a moron...Think what you like but there are ppl on HL that know the truth that... I'm 100 %female.Maybe your not familiar with females.....Just Mary Palm and her 5 sisters.
  • stfu..your a moron