Wulfkin - Harshlands Arc User


  • About the stats I see your point but the only reason why I even suggested about 50 vit is that mystic's skill seem to go off of their weapon damage more than their natural magic. So summons will be unaffected by the magic reduction. The only reason I am even considering this is because it seems that Mystics rely mainly on…
  • ^ tru fax
  • Honestly it is about skill. I am only lvl 52 but from my experiance. Bms are an easy kill. All I have to do is stun them with mighty swing, garrotte(bleed skill) chain some attakcs and repeat. My friend though is a pooleblade build and I have a hard time getting him much past half HP. You are going to have alot of trouble…
  • He killed me 6 times D: I know its a PK server but thats ridiculous >>
  • Well I can't say I have alot of end game experience but I have had every class bu pyschic at one point in time. Honestly speaking the one that I saw with the most capabilities was the archer. Of course it all depends on the skill of the player. At my level I have mauled BMs as if they were nothing. My friend though, he is…
  • Lemme tell you as someone who started 6 monthes ago on harshlands and has had 10+ chars all lowbies except this semi-mid-lvl barb. It doesn't get better, it really doesn't. Don't get me wrong it isn't HORRIBLE, but it isn't that great either. When your the one pking though....Its amazing O.O (On lvl 37 archer had 15+ hours…
  • -When a light red lowbie runs by you- -PK- lowbie-"What was that for???" Myself-"Oh... I thought you were going to PK me D:" (If it was a barb) "You look like the guy that my girlfriend cheated on me with!"
  • This is my best revenge moment...sadly I didn't even get to kill him QQ, but I was scraping by on my lvl 37 archer in Silver Pool, minding my own business when BAM, _Pyro_ Gummybear leader drops and one shots me for the 6th time(literally) well I'm feeling crappy and QQing gets you nowhere. So me and a lvl 50 BM friend of…