best pvp revenge moment



  • Meeplk - Harshlands
    Meeplk - Harshlands Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    why did you my own thread!

    wait... did you say _pyro_? i pk with him! *slaps wulfkin*

    magic mmmb:dirty
  • Wulfkin - Harshlands
    Wulfkin - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    He killed me 6 times D: I know its a PK server but thats ridiculous >>
    (After 4 times of being one shotted by Dipster, once with a friend)

    Me:-sits barely outside of mob radius- Dipster...I know we have had our differences, but I have learned that violence solves nothing. So I make my peace with you. I will forgive you hitting me for 10k damage and one shotting me. I will even forgive you one shotting my friend and then sitting on him. Now I will go in peace...but rememeber the first rule in battle... EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!!!!
    -Charges at Dipster in tiger form hitting him with Flesh Ream before being hit for 10.5k-

    Quote:Never Wrong, just misguided. -Wulfkin
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This one annoying person was spamming about how fail I was for going AFK in the Safe Zone so I went out of the area and then they started chasing me LOL b:chuckle

    I let them kill me once then I went back and did Plume Shot which took half their health and they ran into the bunnies in Sancutary and died b:laugh

    Edit: Oh geez, sorry if I necro'd >____< I didn't realize it until I saw someone say necro..
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Aree - Dreamweaver
    Aree - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I've never been one for PK. Satelite internet speed makes that kinda hard b:surrender
    But one day me and the bf decide we'll go into pk mode for the first time. EVER :D
    [45 veno and 46 archer]
    We were questing over by Anglers. There was a pk squad there pulling Chin around (it is Chin right? the AoE dragon thing?O.o) and they see us, they pull him over to us and we are both one shotted. About an hour later, half their squad is gone to pick on other low pkers. We wait behind the little building behind the banker. While they sit there talking trash to others in the area in common chat. I get my herc out (lvl 45 aslo, I just got him the day before b:pleased) And we get ready. Then my fac leader shows up [nix veno] and we wait.
    There were 4, a wiz, cleric, barb, and an archer. [all 6x i believe]
    I took the archer, fox form>purge>amp>spam venomous. All the while herc is also helping. I barely survive but manage to take him out.
    Nix veno takes out the wiz in literally 6 or 7 seconds. Then we start to work on the barb. Bf takes on the cleric. He dies the first time but comes back and with our help we take her out.
    It was great, my first and to this day only attempt at pk b:chuckle