Wingedcross - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • till about 49-50 u can grind on Loftys, ya the xp is a lil lower then vipions ur lvl, but u can kill em in like 3-4 hits (well i have a Sinister, maybe a bit more if ur not using the best weap) so at about 200 xp per mob, its not horrible plus they spawn in huge groups so its pretty quick... but after like 49+ u def need…
  • ok mainly u have 2 types of archers (3 from lvl 1-20) there is the pure archer that pretty much equals ALL dex [excluding the str u need to wear armor/weaps] so like 4/1 dex/str every lvl, every few lvls u can do 5 dex then theres the hybrid, this ones mainly a 3/1/1 dex/str/vit, some lvls u would most likely go 4/1…
  • Gear, ur 35 u said, ok u can get the 35 Xbow now...get a 3 star one with decent stats (Patk+) and slotted if available...the extra dmg helps... This is what I did also start the fight with Frost arrow/quick shot/normal atk/knock Back/normal till mob dies, 9/10 times i killed em before they got to me. every once in awhile…
  • ya its a "dead zone" WoW used to have a similar thing for its hunters, but instead of 50% dmg u couldnt atk at all...(But WoW also gave hunters freeze traps/pets/scatter shot/ and decent melee atks, also wow removed the Dead zone with Burning crusade) Anyways I dont agree with the dmg reduction, Archers are one of the best…
  • they seem to be better for different classes, the spear seems better vs magic classes/archers...extra stuns + str would of course make for easier killing, while the pike with its +def/vit and reflect seems geared for melee pvp, like barbs and other BMs So which do u have more trouble with? get the weap that works better…
  • Anytime now >.> *cough pw fails for maintaining set time frames*