Archer Grinding Spots?

EntityZero - Sanctuary
EntityZero - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Archer
I'm a level 45 archer currently using the Bow Of The Goddess from the level 46 quest (got it for free from someone who didnt want it) and honestly cannot find a good place to level.

Is there any good spot to level or should I stick to playing an alt and just doing the crazy stone quest everyday till im high enough to do something else?

Also for my wep, should I get the lvl 48 slingshot and refine it a couple times? Cause I know the atk is way lower than my current bow but I figure if I refine it, it should be better.

Post edited by EntityZero - Sanctuary on


  • Prof - Harshlands
    Prof - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    slingshots aren't worth it until you get the mold/tt variants. as for grinding, your elemental advantage is against wood and fire, and i believe the vipions around town of arrivals are level 50. they die fast, and a quick knockback can cancel their mana drain. you just have to watch that their poison doesn't get the chance to stack too high.
  • Swifti - Heavens Tear
    Swifti - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    my advice: get a sinister shooter(legendary lvl 42 slingshot), and grind on either the lvl 41 vipions north of swiftwind, or lvl 48 ramshackle rocs south of sundown.
  • EntityZero - Sanctuary
    EntityZero - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    my advice: get a sinister shooter(legendary lvl 42 slingshot), and grind on either the lvl 41 vipions north of swiftwind, or lvl 48 ramshackle rocs south of sundown.

    With the current price of them, its next to impossible for me to get my hands on a sinister shooter. The ramshackle rocs seemed a little hard when I saw em. I'm going to try the mobs near town of arrivals tho. Any other spot you guys can think of?
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Prof i believe you ment advange to metal and wood
  • EntityZero - Sanctuary
    EntityZero - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Just tried those flying mobs north of sundown town... they have DOT mana drain and poison so im pretty much dead in a matter of a few seconds. Anywhere else I could go? :/
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    When I was your almost your level, I could fight beekins on widow's coast indefinitely (not queens, though). I was fighting them for their drops but they fly and are close to your level so maybe they would give you lots of exps? I remember I was making myself chain die, repeatedly, because I kept getting too much experience (and I finally gave up and just let myself level).

    Of course back then no one but me was fighting them, which helped them be useful for me.

    And I might have been using life powders sometimes? I forget...
  • EntityZero - Sanctuary
    EntityZero - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    When I was your almost your level, I could fight beekins on widow's coast indefinitely (not queens, though). I was fighting them for their drops but they fly and are close to your level so maybe they would give you lots of exps? I remember I was making myself chain die, repeatedly, because I kept getting too much experience (and I finally gave up and just let myself level).

    Of course back then no one but me was fighting them, which helped them be useful for me.

    And I might have been using life powders sometimes? I forget...

    Those are around lvl 36-39. Too low level for me.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Those are around lvl 36-39. Too low level for me.

    According to, monsters 3..4 levels below you cost 10% experience per kill. Monsters 5..7 levels below you cost 20% experience per kill. Monsters 8..10 levels below you cost 30% experience per kill and monsters 11..14 levels below you cost 40% experience per kill.

    So, if you fight monsters 10 levels below you and can kill them in fifteen seconds where you would need 30 seconds for monsters 5 levels higher than you, your level difference might not matter for grinding?

    But you should also include your travel time and your "down time between fights" when thinking about grinding. Ideally your opponents will be far enough from each other, but not too far.
  • Ansuli - Sanctuary
    Ansuli - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Currently my favorite mobs to grind are the lvl62 vapiric nightstalkers east of cloud. They die easily, give great exp and rate of over 3 kills per min isnt hard to get. i just make sure i am stocked up on focus powders and slaughter them
  • EntityZero - Sanctuary
    EntityZero - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Currently my favorite mobs to grind are the lvl62 vapiric nightstalkers east of cloud. They die easily, give great exp and rate of over 3 kills per min isnt hard to get. i just make sure i am stocked up on focus powders and slaughter them

    Except the fact is youre much higher than me :P lol
  • Ansuli - Sanctuary
    Ansuli - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    :) it was just a piece of advice for the future. Though i would definatly always grind on flying mobs. ramshacle rocs(lvl48 above the valley of death), terestrial foxwings (lvl54 north of misfortune), foxwing supremes(lvl60 south east of plume) then the vampiric nightstalkers is how i did it.
  • Torinchibi - Lost City
    Torinchibi - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If you have lvled frost arrow and lvl 1 knockback you are good to go, as for the mobs:

    40-45 lvl 40 vipions above starting towns
    45-53 lvl 50 vipions above skill mountain
    53-59 lvl 56/57 fish or mermaids around Dawn's cry (get a partner EP or archer and you can lvl like every 1-2 hrs with exp scrolls)
    59-65 - lvl 62 bats above dreaming cloud
    65-70 (71 maybe) - lvl 68 bats around the towers at swamp of the wraiths
    71-76 - lvl 74 Elysium Fowls above mountains of morning dew SE of sanctuary
    76-82 - lvl 80 butterflies south of sanctuary or at lake of woe
    82-90 - lvl 87 undine mystics at the lake south of 1k streams OR 88 ultrafin supreme (fish) at sea of isolation

    Other alternatives to lvl 80 butterflies are lvl 76 cloudrider falcons NE of lake of woe and later on lvl 84 bloodbirds north of village of lost or phoenixes NE of immolation camp.

    Those are the best spots with mobs with low hp that give you a lot of xp, but you can always find other ways to grind, like zhening (VERY expensive for archers unless you lure with mount) or leveling up your zhen and aoe skills and aoe grinding witha cleric on certain mobs that are good for that (not melee mobs).
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i agree with Tornichibi on allthe 59+ stuff, cant say i grinded too much on air at some of the lower levels,
    the undines at 82+ i love doing with a cleric or possibly a larger squad, solo they are a bit of a pain, then again im a real cheap grinder and hence my lower level?
  • EntityZero - Sanctuary
    EntityZero - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If you have lvled frost arrow and lvl 1 knockback you are good to go, as for the mobs:

    45-53 lvl 50 vipions above skill mountain

    Those arent all that good with the mana drain and the poison tho. Cant exactly keep my mana up to kill em. Might just stick to eldergoth right now outside of sundown town. Using a combo of winged shield, charged shot, and knock back arrow, i can solo em pretty well with minimal dmg to myself.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i've noticed that when u knockback a vipion, the channeling animation disappears, but then it appears again and u get poisoned anyway, from the knocked back position; then the vipion proceed to lumber toward u again. anyone else notice this? knockback doesn't always cancel mob channeling
  • Wingedcross - Heavens Tear
    Wingedcross - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    till about 49-50 u can grind on Loftys, ya the xp is a lil lower then vipions ur lvl, but u can kill em in like 3-4 hits (well i have a Sinister, maybe a bit more if ur not using the best weap) so at about 200 xp per mob, its not horrible plus they spawn in huge groups so its pretty quick... but after like 49+ u def need higher lvl mobs
  • EntityZero - Sanctuary
    EntityZero - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm all good now :P got my hands on legendary armor and a sinister shooter so I can easily solo things around my level. I was actually hunting ramshackle rocs over sundown town cause theyre much easier and faster to kill than vipions who spam mana drain and poison.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    i've noticed that when u knockback a vipion, the channeling animation disappears, but then it appears again and u get poisoned anyway, from the knocked back position; then the vipion proceed to lumber toward u again. anyone else notice this? knockback doesn't always cancel mob channeling

    i believe how it works is during channeling if you or enemy leaves range (kite or knockback) it will stop the channel but if they are in the casting phase (graphically you cant really tell i guess) then it will still cast, so its best to use knockback just as they get in range of using thier spell or JUST as they start it (which may be too late on some mobs)
  • _Lucivar_ - Heavens Tear
    _Lucivar_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    any1 got an lvl 37 grind spots that are easy but give good xp
    ive got the lightning bow is it good and rank 1 armour
    Alt character.
    Originally posted by Hojuken
    b. dislike /= hate. but glad to see you step into the fuss to make random comments about people you don't know/never met. i do believe you're from enrage? figures.
    I'm Enrage now? Since when?
  • Endrnz - Dreamweaver
    Endrnz - Dreamweaver Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If you have lvled frost arrow and lvl 1 knockback you are good to go, as for the mobs:

    40-45 lvl 40 vipions above starting towns
    45-53 lvl 50 vipions above skill mountain
    53-59 lvl 56/57 fish or mermaids around Dawn's cry (get a partner EP or archer and you can lvl like every 1-2 hrs with exp scrolls)
    59-65 - lvl 62 bats above dreaming cloud
    65-70 (71 maybe) - lvl 68 bats around the towers at swamp of the wraiths
    71-76 - lvl 74 Elysium Fowls above mountains of morning dew SE of sanctuary
    76-82 - lvl 80 butterflies south of sanctuary or at lake of woe
    82-90 - lvl 87 undine mystics at the lake south of 1k streams OR 88 ultrafin supreme (fish) at sea of isolation

    Other alternatives to lvl 80 butterflies are lvl 76 cloudrider falcons NE of lake of woe and later on lvl 84 bloodbirds north of village of lost or phoenixes NE of immolation camp.

    Those are the best spots with mobs with low hp that give you a lot of xp, but you can always find other ways to grind, like zhening (VERY expensive for archers unless you lure with mount) or leveling up your zhen and aoe skills and aoe grinding witha cleric on certain mobs that are good for that (not melee mobs).

    Hmm, this is a great suggestion of monsters but I am not quite sure they work 100%. Right now I am level 48 and trying to pwn the above mentioned level 50 vipions, but can't not even with a level 5 knockback arrow.

    Know any other places an archer can grind at 48?
  • Brigid - Harshlands
    Brigid - Harshlands Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hmm, this is a great suggestion of monsters but I am not quite sure they work 100%. Right now I am level 48 and trying to pwn the above mentioned level 50 vipions, but can't not even with a level 5 knockback arrow.

    Know any other places an archer can grind at 48?
    Personally I'd recommend against Vipions. They're poison mobs, and we lack any way to remove or block poison damage. Try the level 48 Ramshackle Rocs over Sundown Town/FB39. They're metal element, so Blazing Arrow will have more of an effect. Use Plume Shell to reduce their damage as well. Oh and for the love of god don't use Lightning Strike or Thunder Shock on them.

    Oh and don't level Knockback Arrow. It boosts the damage by a tiny amount but doesn't change the knockback distance, while also increasing the MP cost. Max Frost Arrow though, since the slow time increases.
  • Endrnz - Dreamweaver
    Endrnz - Dreamweaver Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Personally I'd recommend against Vipions. They're poison mobs, and we lack any way to remove or block poison damage. Try the level 48 Ramshackle Rocs over Sundown Town/FB39. They're metal element, so Blazing Arrow will have more of an effect. Use Plume Shell to reduce their damage as well. Oh and for the love of god don't use Lightning Strike or Thunder Shock on them.

    Oh and don't level Knockback Arrow. It boosts the damage by a tiny amount but doesn't change the knockback distance, while also increasing the MP cost. Max Frost Arrow though, since the slow time increases.

    Awesome, thx I will try those. Oh and tooo late :( already leveling knockback to 5...might as well max it now.

    This other archer told me it's a good skill, and I should level it up when I was level 6 lol...BAS---- 0_0
  • navyken
    navyken Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    where is Widows coast, for those Beekins? wanna try em outb:laugh