Wendixy - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • The RAM wasn't at fault, but somehow the registry got messed up. Maybe the IT guy did that when he was in regedit... The problems are solved now. The only thing left is the video driver. Thank you! :) Edit: The game does run with the 256 RAM, but it crashes whenever I'm at a laggy area. That's basically any place with more…
  • I deleted all the partitions on this computer. I already have a back up of all the files. That should fix all the problem right? Besides the troubles of reinstalling lots of applications...
  • I repaired the PC, and now it's running. But the blue screen still pops out and tell me there's an Registry Error... Do I really have to wipe everything out now? I only have a 2gb USB. I'm moving everything there and back them up in this Mac. The computer still crashes while I'm backing up files.......
  • Well, I took the 1gb stick out, but PC still gives me the BSoD lol b:infuriated I guess I have to repair it. I really don't wanna lose all of my documents on that computer. The blue screen never told me the error that crashed the computer btw. Since the CD-ROMS are dead, should I just get a USB CD-ROM drive? Or is a normal…
  • I'm more convinced with the malfunctioning RAM. Since all bad things started to happened after the RAM installation. I've asked a few tech-savvy friends, as well as my school's IT. They all said it could be the RAM. Also, I don't think my 6 years old computer can handle a 1 gig RAM. Edit: I'm not that tech savvy, but…
  • I have Windows XP Home Edition Anti-Virus is Avira. I had AVG before this IT guy came over to install a new RAM (1gig). Everything started happening when he left. I have to try the repair install later on a USB drive since my CD ROMS are dead. Or maybe it's just my old Hard Drive... This computer is 6 years old. I did…
  • I verified twice, but it still says the same thing :( edit: I guess I'll reinstall it...
  • I don't really post in forums but hmm... my first post ever b:laugh I was really out of games to play. My PC can't handle most games anyways. Meh, I only have 512 MB of RAM. Besides, my boyfriend nagged me to find a game that both of us can play. So, I picked pwi. Downloading + installing + updating took about 6 hours…