This is for use of a skill (Throatcut). Base + gear + numbers. Its added again if the skill demands it. (Hence the reason Earthen Rift is an absolutely evil skill with a +12 weapon).
~1% more of your final attack output per attack level. 100 atk levels = ~100% more damage. If you dont get that, then theres no hope. Additionally, im damn sure the attack level calculations have been done multiple times, use an advanced google search and good luck understanding those if you didnt understand this.
Ironically they advertised the, as you call them, German and French servers as Euro servers in English adverts and English announcements. Can you really blame English people for getting pissed? Better event times and ping, but we get screwed because our comparably universal language is "unsupported" because PWE is a bunch…
115 attack levels is more or less 115% more damage. A little more than double what is stated in my maths. Then modified by your opponents defences and defence levels, which are both complicated and archer territory, so I cant help you. I just go with the flow when I lay down a hard *** hit on something.
Skill damage is layed out clear as day on the skill its self. Base (What you see on your "C" screen) + Gear (The numbers on your weapon, rings, necklace (Lionheart has +Patk if you look) combined) + skill itself. (7331 for level 11 Throat). Again : Base + (Weapon + gear) + Skill.
..... You are so stupid, and paranoid, it amazes me to the point where I literally sat here for 2 minutes staring at my screen going "WTF!" in my head. However, now that has passed, il lay it out for you without attack levels because im lazy.(Im no archer, so 'scuse my dodgy method). Skill damage x 2 (Zerk) x 2 (Crit,…
Gooner! :OOO Additionally, you must be forgetting a little thing called weapon damage range. 1st hit was likely close to your maximum potential and the latter closer to your minimum.
Stupid americans with their lawyers and cheeseburgers. b:chuckle /me sups his cup of tea and eats a crumpet
And even then, take it with a truck of salt. *Points at EG R9, Guild base wars, bug fixes*
Why stop him? More idiots are learning not to fall for that trick and hes making money teaching them. Seriously, anyone falling for it is an idiot and deserves to lose their money.
You think this is bad? Ive been on Rusty Hearts the past day and couldnt even type the word "button" when I was explaining to a friend on the controls. PWE doesnt seem to get that one or two patrolling GMs per game would work miles better than these pathetic filters that still dont work.
No, I just grew increasingly concernerd my client was borked and wasnt showing my crits or something b:chuckle
Having a lucky day. Enjoy it, my Cleric has 11% crit and I went a week without one once...b:surrender
Reported several a few days ago. All of them still broadcast regularly. Where was your good idea again?
Blame the european union for it, not PWE. PWE cant do ****, its not their fault this time. This is pretty much the first time ive ever defended them, lol.
Try logging in again, as suggested. The usual notification is that you typed in the wrong login information. So if you are seeing that more than once, its nothing I know of. It could of course mean the account has been genuinely closed, at which point id go crazy on ticket sending, before they actually nuke it.
Ive seen that once, thats when I logged on at the moment my ban expired. Try again, your timing may just have been epic like mine :p
Use fists, apparently archers were made for them. b:chuckle
The PQ NPCs are ony there between 9AM and midnight server time.
Not really. The few harshlanders that go there are either not idiots or part of major land owning factions. This sort of stuff always gets laughed off the board. b:chuckle
So thats why I see bloodline holding over half the map.... O, wait....
Yeah. Every. Single. Time. Ive. Tried. To. Use. It.
Do I get my 100% zen refund this time? b:cute
Id **** myself laughing. 50000 zen refund (if not more) to spend.... Nowhere. Lol.
No. /5
Even bigger one, the boss barrier wouldnt let chin past the gate anyway. Its the reason veno pets get stuck b:chuckle
Apparently, a lot of people are idiots. Aside that however, the spam is pretty annoying....
You probably dont have a 5aps char at your disposal. Therefore, you can still be selfless occasionally. b:cry