Its DQ 71.
Elder of Archo should give out a quest "Im bored of trying to legit level my char with quests and endless frost runs, just give me exp to get to lvl 105". And then pwi could open up the content for lvl 105-130. Everyone gets happy happy!
I only bother with reading first and last page. However, the fear of that casters could start solo things is just ridiculous! APS is doing it now, so all your arguments fails, fails, fails! FIX: Cap the amount of hp/mp recived from Blood pains/soul paint. Cap it at say 5% of max hp/mp each attack (multiple targets are…
I just LOL at those noobs who cant play without blessing, you guys makes my day!
An old guildmember asked for help with Dragon of the Depths. We pulled a guild party together with this traitor, no one other than him needed it. We killed the boss, but just the second before it dies, I kicked him out of squad and he didnt get the kill. That started a PK war that lasted for 3 months. Ahhh good old times…
You can always say No. If you cant say no, I would really like to meet you at some bar at some time ;)
All these 100+ noobs. Please rollback all the glitchers so they get to learn the game before getting to 100..