Twilyte - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Your opinion, nothing more. And as I am also entitled to my own opinion, I chose to say that bans are absolutely acceptable when a player knowingly takes advantage of a situation to enhance their status in game (or out of game for that matter.) You are so fond of comparing this to "real life" by quoting others who give…
  • So they go back and delete exploited gold. And what about the items already purchased from that ill-gotten gold like all the molders that exploiters bought up? And to gold dispersed to other characters and accounts that was made from selling boutique gold? And what about gold that was pooled into faction money holders or…
  • Just keep spamming Iron Heart on the tank. Keep that skill as max as you can get it before raising the others. If you have the time to cast Soon-The Light, thats a bonus. But as a solo healer your first and foremost job is to keep the tank alive. If others start taking damage, then either the tank isn't doing a great job…
  • Chaotiic, points well taken. Either way, you and I, we still face the inevitable end of our entertainment, one slower than the other. But look at the brightside!! Judging from all the "interesting" posts, we have done a good job of showing that PvP (in this case... poster versus poster b:chuckle ) can be entertaining!…
  • Chaotiic, First, let me say that, I have indeed been (and still are) at a much higher level. Don't fall into the assumption that this is the only version I play. b:laugh In fact, it is the third. So I am not speaking from lack of experience. Also, it is a misconception you seem to be under thinking that PWI was the first…
  • Actually, neither PvP nor PvE is better than one or the other. All they represent are different routes to the same end...a means to relax, enjoy some game time and escape from the trials and tribulations of the real world. I don't have anything bad to say about PvP. Nothing. Nada. I simply choose to come home after a…
  • Gonz, Getting more than 100 lev 3 mats in one hour is not hard at all if you do some planning. When I was lower level (50s), I would ride around the Sumor area and I have 18 locations that I can run from begining to end getting nothing but Anthracite, Rubstone, etc. No herbs what-so-ever. By the time I figured out the most…
  • For once (and I can't believe I am actually saying this!) I fully agree with Sticky. If ever "less QQ and more PewPew" was more appropriate, I haven't have found it yet. The OP is obviously from the generation of instant gratification, refusing to work through the mechanics of a quest, instead buying his/her way to the end…
  • Lessie pretty much nailed it. I learned long ago that if I joined squads to get my "kill this many mobs" quests done, I would get my quests done quickly, but it would leave me behind the bell curve, so to speak, as far as over all experience gained. This would lead to me running out of quests before I reached level once I…
  • I know there is a very nice bright red color obtainable through normal means, but there are shades that are not obtainable unless one manipulates the color range numbers in the .ini. Perhaps pointing out the red color as an example wasn't the best choice since it falls under the same catagory as the black. But if you saw…
  • I have a very dark colored character (actually several...hence the names...Twilyte...Midnyte...). When making my characters, I have always liked the drow look (although I use a blue hair color because the pure white haired drow is over-done). Some players ask me how I get my skin so dark and I let them know I just chose…
  • Saitada, I know exactly what you are talking about, I observed the same **** on Heaven's Tear last night and thought to myself "what a jerk (well, not exactly what I thought, but I can't type my EXACT thoughts" The same exact issue recently reared it's head on the Malaysian version. Be glad you don't play there…
  • Actually, I used to run into the same issues when I first started on another version, but I found a work around. I noticed that at lower levels, if I joined squads to do normal quests, I ended up with less exp. overall. Sure the quest reward was the same, but during the killing I got signifigantly less exp. I started to…
  • Krixx is actually a lot easier than people think. He is actually a wonderful learning tool for newer players to go outside traditional thinking. Take a minute to look at him. He is a water based boss and his magic attacks do water damage. Who generally has the lowest magic resistance....barbs and blademasters. Vet players…
  • The only "balls" I need in life are those that fathered two children far more literate than you. Apparantly, your "balls" didn't get you far, as Radiance still won. No matter how long you still lost. Second place is still the first loser. My comment was merely stating that an increase in charm prices being…
  • Wow, with all those lands generating millions in gold for you and you couldn't afford an average increase of 100k per charm. Yes, I am absolutely sure that Radiance somehow managed to find their charms on sale for 300k...NOT! They faced the same increased prices your guild faced. People lose TWs simply because they get out…
  • Actually, I have had things "disappear" that were equiped a few times, and possibly some items in my inventory that I just didn't know about. I finally "watched" it happen one time, and since I figured out what happened, it hasn't happened since. I often times run around gathering mats and herbs and such. A few times, I'll…
  • Your English is quite sufficient, btw. b:victory The thought about the extra 3 charms going to players didn't slip by me. But it becomes what we call "point of purchase" or "impulse purchasing". Have you ever been standing in line at a grocery store and noticed all the junk at the check out counter for sale? Candy bars,…
  • Again, I appreciate your insight and taking the time to read my wall of text. b:chuckle Trust me on this, as much of a fan of this version as I am (no doubt about it!), even I was confused as to the awkward editting and explanation, and, I even stated as much in previous postings. It openned the door for exactly this,…
  • Thanks, brovar, for taking the time to read all that. I am prone to lengthy explanations! I agree that they can set the prices at whatever they decide upon. They probably have massive sales reports tracking each boutique item, showing which ones move the most, etc. Based upon that, they probably figure up how much each…
  • Actually, in real life, you factor in material cost and labor, figure out what % of each item's price needs to go towards overhead costs (ie..utilities, taxes, etc) and then factor in a profit margin (and frighteningly enough, profit margins that are added are huge, inexcess of 70%+ above the SUM of the above costs). Then,…
  • Forgive my slowness at wrapping my mind around all this angst on this thread (suffering through a major head cold atm). I've taken the time to read every single post in this thread (I figure if someone takes the time to write it, I should at least take the time to read it) and have come to a few conclusions: The staff has…
  • Don't worry about the haters. If something sells at your prices, keep selling at those prices. Probably just some twits that don't know how to manage their own money, so they need to look for bargin basement prices because they can't afford yours. The main thing: are you having fun and enjoying how you play? If you answer…
  • Actually, doing some extensive thread searching, the earliest post questioning the lost stamps was back on 11/20/08 (a far cry from 3 months, barely 1 1/2 months). If you remember (or maybe you didn't know), prior to the actual launch date of the Lost Empire mega patch, the staff informed us that much of the content was…
  • You do realize that the stamps (called signets on PW-MY) are not dropping over there now as well, don't you? This all occurred around the same time on the various servers with I believe the Lost Empire patch. @Blancheneige I tend to believe that it will be more like 100 stamps per quest at the value of the FB (so higher…
  • Actually, I don't think it is a bug, rather, it is by design. But, not in the way that most a jumping to a conclusion of it becoming a pure cash shop driven incentive. On the PW-MY version, all of a sudden the same FB's stopped dropping stamps as well (they call them signets over there). When asked, the staff and some…
  •, two or three star...not four star items. Items go up to 3 stars (they can come in different colors, but these are not made at normal NPC crafters, they are molder or legendary equips)
  • Actually this has been weighed in on, just not officially answered on this version. The answer that was "handed down" (because every other version outside of China is hosted via a license, not run by PW-Entertainment like this one), was that there were no plans to change it. Weapons were designed to be hot swapped if…
  • Technically, yes, it also applies to them. As you get higher levels, your daily quests start loading you with Spirit points. After you "fill" your primary choices, you can go back and start picking up other skills, like others have said. The thing to note on Blademasters though is not the Spirit limitation, it's your…
  • You pretty much lose xp everytime you die, unless you have a Guardian Angel (cash shop item) in your inventory. Those prevent xp loss, as well as preventing loss of items if killed (a rare chance if killed by monsters, greater if you actively attack other players). The amount of xp you lose depends on your skill…