Twilae - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I feel bad for the guys... women get that super sexy Corsair Set (which I'm totally buying) and guys get what looks like a recycled version of one of the other outfits that's already been released. I don't pay much attention to male clothing so I forget what it's called.... at least you still get the pirate set though <.<
  • OMG! New fashion that isn't some form of bikini!? How shocked am I right now? :P I honestly think this is the first time that I've liked all the new fashions released equally. Well, for the females anyway. Steampunk is b:dirty the leather set is sexy and the brawler set looks great as well. Time to go dye-hunting again -_-
  • What is there after 90? Why, 100, of course :D I personally wanted to get at least 99 so I could get my TT99 weapon and the rest of my sage skills but now that I've gotten those I don't do much xD I still do cube and crazy stone for some reason but other than that I waste the rest of my time on my lowbie cleric.
  • I rarely use genie skills as it is so I'm not overly upset about it. Extreme Poison and Holy Path are the only genie skills I use on a regular basis and neither of them got hit too hard by the update. Tree of Protection, on the other hand, is pretty well useless now and Cauterize is less dependable than before. And, Cotto,…
  • Silly Sticky; ninjas don't travel in large, flashy groups leaving a trail of destruction behind them :O
  • Glad I'm not the only one feeling that way; I kept looking at the timer to see if it was all over yet, toward the middle of the battle I was lagging so badly I had to put it on the 'best performance' setting. Well... I couldn't see anyone until they were standing directly in front of me under that setting so I was really…
  • I gotta say I was surprised when that battle ended; I know Triad's gotten stronger but I thought for sure Enrage was gonna take the win. The next battle between those two should be really interesting :) Grats on the win, Triad.
  • Whoa whoa wait... you mean people don't enjoy getting married on the side of an overcrowded street? Why was I not informed of this? D: I suppose a chapel would be a nice idea, though I'd doubt it if it were ever implemented. How much do you wanna bet they'd charge you admission fees for it, anyway?
  • Ah... I'm guilty of thinking it was a deer, as well. The other veno presets are based on real animals so I just immediately thought it was a deer upon seeing those cute little horns :)
  • Well.. it's free if you're not spending money on the cash shop, anyway ;) I've spent real money on this game and I still don't really do much complaining. PW helps me waste time and I have fun playing it, therefore it's doing its job.
  • Sorry that happened to you. I've done a few FB51s and I'm willing to admit I try to avoid helping with them because I hate doing the quests in there, but if I'm invited to one I make damn sure our group gets all of it done before they leave. If they don't, I usually end up going back in with the tabber to finish it off…
  • Actually this was great timing for me XD I was just thinking yesterday how great it would be to upgrade some of my armor and such if it weren't so expensive. But I agree with you on the fashion part; can never go wrong with new fashion.
  • Because they're human. Humans tend to complain a lot :) I've never seen any reason to complain about the majority of events we've had so far; at least we're getting something.
  • The Comprehensive Veno Guide posted in the Class Discussions forum has lots of information on different veno builds as well as some recommended pets :)
  • Grab two friends/guildies/random people, squad them and go visit Elder of Archosaur and you'll get a small quest.
  • Haha XD That's a pretty entertaining little story. Luckily (or sadly, perhaps) I don't have any little stories like this of my own that I can share. Good to see someone who doesn't let that kind of behavior get them down, though.
  • You get another daily quest at level 70 which requires you to travel all over the map and give different NPCs books. Not particularly fun but it breaks up all of the grinding you'll have to do.