Tiffanny - Sanctuary Arc User


  • What joke? This economic crisis is REAL. We need to pressure our lawmakers to pass an economic stimulus plan NOW. Even if it is 1,100 pages long and none of them could possibly have read it and it funds everything from "green" improvements to govt. buildings in Lost City, to the study of urban canals inside Archosaur (I…
  • I dunno but I had all of my retirement savings, my 401K, everything, socked away in my safe before all of this happened!! I can't believe the government will let these evil CEOs from all these Big Gaming companies fly in on their expensive corporate jets and fly off with all my money!!! b:cry These are desperate times…
  • i'm just worried about all of us who had gold on deposit in the Cash shop. Will the government reimburse us for our losses? I know we're supposed to be insured by the FDIC, but... only up to like 100k. I had a LOT more than 100k socked away in my bank account earlier....b:sad
  • None of Nishtara's high-sounding, flowery rhetoric has any credibilty in my ears AT ALL after Seppuku's no-show last Sunday night. Bi-polar much? How the Hell do you convince members of a guild who just won a victory on the previous night to throw in the towel and not even SHOW UP? b:surrender Is Seppuku a guild, or an MMO…
  • Lol. just because you threw inthe towel and refused to fight us when we invaded YOUR land, doesn't mean everyone else is as fatalistic. Go look at the map, doghatesYOU. It's ok, I'll wait right here. <pause> Back? Very well. Show me where on the map right now Nefarious can attack someone and NOT get a serious fight.…
  • This thread is like a monster from a Stephen King novel. It refuses to stay buried, and utilizes more words than Hemingway needed to write any five novels... b:surrender Let's re-hash the obvious again. Call this the TLDR version. The entire premise of this thread is fatally flawed. There is and can be no "balance of…
  • great points, blackwolf. they seemed to have just recently released their "hold" on my money but never sent me an e-mail or acknowledged any of my efforts at communication. it seems they really don't care much about getting any business. makes me wonder why they even bothered setting up the servers, if this is their…
  • and just how long am i supposed to wait for them to ackowledge any one of my multiple efforts to contact them? they've ignored all my emails, phone calls, and my support ticket. are you going to tell me they just have one employee at their redwood office, an elderly blind person from Beijing who is hard of hearing, or…
  • This entire topic is just more proof that homosexuals and their supporters are typically thoughtless idiots. To expect the Chinese game developers to embrace radical western idealogies, and devote huge resources to recoding their game--ignoring a million glaring issues of far more importance--simply to portray a "****" MMO…
  • More like there's way too many ****-pot guilds on this server, with roughly 20-30 more being created every day. Hell, I even saw some **** advertising a guild just for Stephen King fans not too long ago. Not sure how that works, maybe they all roll Venomaners and kill each other's pets and then rezz them back up ala the…
  • This all seems pretty silly to me. But then, I'm a geezer gamer--dating right on up there alongside Woody Hearn and Jeff Greenspeak--and a lot of what goes on in MMOs seems pretty silly sometimes. I'm in <Nefarious>. I'm just an average guy--an old-school MMOer who has loved petclasses since trying a Beastmaster in EQ. I…
  • Raenn; i bet you're a girl, too. trying to find a guy at 14 who'd type like you do would be like looking for a needle in a haystack...
  • well, it sorta helps, anyway. b:laugh
  • dumb move, removing the jone's blessing quest. why? because having it there caused pretty much every player on the server---especially all the high-levels--to pop into the noobie area at least once a week. this allowed new players to catch glimpses of what they might become someday etc i know it was a nice inspiration for…
  • nice sentiment but pwi wants to sell as many items as possible. and hey, the unique lion mount is sorta competitive... in a lottery-ticket sort of way. let em lower prices as a nod to our quaint american tradition of thanking God for all of our blessings (while we all laugh at how godhatesYOU of <Nefarious> probably cries…
  • yep. use your current pet to beat up the pet you want to tame. then de-summon (stow) your current pet when your target pet is low on health. proceed to use the tame pet skill, and voila! egg time. ps im sorta puzzled, though. your veno is level 58 and yet you haven't been taming pets???? how is that possible? you must have…
  • Name: Tiffanny Class: Venomancer, UNTAMED Server: Sanctuary Oh, how great it would be to win! ;D